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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I didn’t answer your basic questions because they are an insult I’m not here to take a test. You can look up any of the military groups that I mentioned whenever I was laying out my military service and a simple google search for sure that they are all true. Don’t point at me about stolen valor whenever you literally have not explained any of your combat experience while I have I have nothing to prove to you I gave 10 years of my life to the country. Don’t have any idea how many years you gave or where you were at, and I never asked you by the way because frankly it’s uncalled.for for all I know you’re just a call to duty game player if you truly were a communications veteran, you would understand what security clearance means, and not being able to divulge information Well, this is interesting because you still have many Republicans that are absolute Warhawks, but that’s why they’re so disorientated because their party really doesn’t stand for anything anymore and it shows
  2. What I’m trying to figure out by this asinine caller is why does he think that putting in that he’s not going to be violent in someway not make this a crime Jesus, Trumper’s are stupid
  3. You have to understand that Palestinians don’t necessarily automatically mean hamas Terrorist organizations that use people as human shields don’t really care about the people that they’re using
  4. And beyond the wire can be in a number of locations Once again, my offer still stands 100 bucks that we never institute a draft Put up or shut the ***** up
  5. I was based in a mobile command center in Saudi Arabia that’s as far as I’m going to go for location because it’s classified Out of that command center I did many different things. Some duties required me to go beyond the wire. One of the non-classified duties that I did was I was a crew scheduler because I was attached to the 52nd airlift squadron out of Norton Air Force Base California (not classified)but I was also attached to a mobile command center that went all over the world during my time there once again, can’t give locations, I did a total of 10 years the last five being a classified location on the East Coast Whenever you carry top-secret SCI clearances, you’re not allowed to just give out information like that regardless of whether I am still serving or not
  6. It’s really amazing they can’t take the news. They came out today at face value. She is literally pleading guilty and they’re trying to find a way to put a good face on it.
  7. No, you don’t experience it. If you’re inside the wire, things are much more controlled, leaving the wire means going outside of a protected area which I did but I’m not going to specify where I went because that’s classified.
  8. You have no idea what my duty assignments were and they are classified so I’m not gonna mention them on this board You ran right off of aristocrats asinine comment about implementing the draft That’s not going to happen, and I don’t know if you chimed in because of political biases or if you’re flat out afraid of it The draft will not be implemented it’s not going to need to be implemented because countries that have nuclear weapons are not going to go against each other directly will not happen must not happen Aran knows that if they went into a full scale war with us, we would turn that place into a glass plate.
  9. You have fallen into the fear mongering of the republican party that’s why you’re afraid of it We don’t have an adolescent child holding the nuclear football Biden with all of his faults is not going to put us into World War III. You can calm down a little bit. I have a son also and I don’t have any expectations of him being drafted in any kind of way, the only way that that would happen is if he decided to go into the guard or active duty military but that’s not going to happen. He is chosen another career path. Are you suggesting that I didn’t serve in Iraq lol
  10. Very different If people don’t like religious beliefs, running the days of every day people in the United States, they would absolutely hate the Middle East In short, they are trained to hate us it’s a very dangerous place for a United States service man
  11. As someone who has served, and in particular served in Iraq, I can see with complete confidence that there will be no draft implemented The military has plenty relies more on its technology in today’s military, and if extra are needed your weekend. Warriors would be the ones that would be called the active duty meaning the guard if you don’t know what that is There will be no draft
  12. I’m willing to lay100 bucks right here right now, that no draft will be implemented
  13. Meanwhile, one of trumps lawyers pleads guilty today It’s a pretty curious lot they continually see people next to Donald Trump going to prison not paying his lawyers etc. etc. and yet they still put themselves in this position It’s almost like… a cult
  14. I also do not agree with us. I don’t think that these things should be called out whenever it’s convenient. Well, let’s keep in mind that a lot of this stuff is brought out into the open a long time after it actually happens there is feelings of guilt, even of responsibility or loyalty It’s not that she should not be believed, but it should be questioned that it came out right before it was time to write a book and gain profit It’s not the gym. Jordan is not a absolute ***** pig, but I think it’s best to keep the details of everything on the up and up. I have not heard any information that Jordan was a molester himself, but he definitely was helping a molester by both, not protecting the kids whenever they were telling him of the issues, and then going on further to try to keep them from filing lawsuits against the guy that was actually doing it he went out of his way to not let this come to light
  15. The Colts weren’t going anywhere this year anyway might as well get the better draft picks
  16. And the team that would actually except that is a weak ass team you have no idea whether or not this guy is going to be acceptable as a player in the NFL we have seen too many can’t Misses ended up being not for long’s
  17. I’m sure that he’s a great kid, but no rookie should be asking for that kind of request Prove that you belong in the NFL before you make a request like that
  18. This was a poor choice by them But come on you listen to victim mentality all day long coming from the right let’s not get self-righteous here
  19. A third parties past the presidency is a problem in itself, because all it’s really going to do is draw votes away from one of the candidates That’s why people are rejoicing, the RFK Junior thing because he is totally going to draw votes away from the Republicans if he gets any
  20. So you think the churches don’t play politics I can easily find you videos of them doing just that
  21. I am wondering why those words actually coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth don’t bother you literally using his presidential position trying to get another country to go after his political opponent and you don’t see anything wrong with it The problem is Donald Trump is just stupid if he would’ve used his bill Barr to do this he never would’ve been indicted because that is his attorney generals job
  22. To be fair this message board is literally rolling around in the mud with the pigs and we’re all doing it Yeah, as the indictments turned into convictions, it’s totally going to get worse for Biden. Lol.
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