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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I would feel much better if Joe Biden was bringing on a VP that was much younger and not Kamala Harris There is a very good chance that he doesn’t make it through a second term. Just my opinion. That’s not enough for me to vote for evil i.e. Donald Trump but it is enough to make me think about another candidate that’s not Donald Trump on the Republican side Anything that prevents it from hitting a hospital, right?
  2. You have to give them a little credit and then at least you know, they’re not all Maga Donald Trump got one vote for house speaker I thought that was hilarious
  3. Those guys are three techs no way do we want them playing one tech but they are We should never let ankau get poach off our practice squad
  4. I paid that allowance for the last 15 years you little ***** clean your damn room 🤓
  5. So what is your plan exactly suck for a draft pick this team is going to win too many games in order to get a decent draft pick this next year. We’re better off going all Lynn in the off-season we can get rid of players that are no longer cutting it. And get younger. No, that’s your job. Don’t ask other people to do it for you.
  6. If Jeffrey Simmons was even remotely available, I would be on the phone
  7. Unless you got ideas for a trade for another one tech this doesn’t sound like such a bad idea to mem no interior pressure yesterday ran the ball right at settle
  8. Just bring up AJ Klein. If you want to go to a veteran Dotson is not it. Personally, I think benching Dorien Williams was a mistake. Let the kid learn.
  9. Say what you want about Josh whenever he left the field yesterday we were winning A couple of other things to B word about today Once again, just like in the Jets game at the end of the game are special teams gave up a huge run. Why does a team that make players decisions based on whether they can play strong special teams keep giving up huge special teams runs They needed a touchdown to even come out without going to overtime, and our defense allowed them to march right down the field and score of the touchdown Josh missed some throws yesterday but the loss is not on him whenever he left the field we were winning
  10. Is he a three tech or one tech because we need a one tech really bad
  11. We were getting no inside pressure our ends were rushing a field and inside we had a comfortable pocket.
  12. We are getting nothing from our defense of tackles. Tim settle is not a one tech and should never be used as such
  13. I hate what they’re doing with Josh Allen the fact that they don’t allow him to run anymore takes away a third of his game We don’t want him running on run design place we want him to take a couple of looks reads and if it’s not there, take off this gets him in a rhythmm Dorsey is not it
  14. Get the ***** out of here Well, there goes my prediction that he was gonna get fired soon
  15. That’s an interesting way of looking at it what it looks like to most people is that they’re just united Some thing the right has destroyed with their inclusion of Maga
  16. I think you wish that the Democrats had the infighting that the Republicans are doing now you know they look like *****
  17. Only because we couldn’t want to run the ball It’s a new day
  18. A lot of people want cook to fail it seems doesn’t matter whether or not, he’s actually playing well
  19. Agreed if convicted they should be punished doesn’t matter what the tribe The problem is you have these Republicans that think no we should just convict what we do as criminals on the other side, regardless of proof It’s all about power
  20. He just looks like an old man to me No way I’m voting for Trump but I feel much better about Biden if he had a vice president behind him just in case that was worth some thing because I’m not a Kamala Harris for VP fan
  21. If a certain other person was sitting in the White House, they would be touting this not crapping all over it
  22. He’s in his prime no way should we cut him But now, that third round pick this year, can go on something other than a linebacker
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