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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Jesus you really did say this do you even have the basic understanding of how nukes work and the backlash of using them?
  2. Roll out the tarp roll it out! It’s pretty bad when bills fans need a pep talk from a chiefs fan you are all embarrassing yourselves
  3. Congratulations Think about all the things you’re going to get done on Sundays by not watching
  4. Oh look, they’ve gone all Hollywood just like Josh Allen 🤓
  5. So another words, something that every other QB in the NFL does
  6. Isn’t it amazing how stupid the words our defense is a direct correlation with whether the team won or lost hmmmm
  7. Define struggling A top-five QB in the league no matter how bad he’s playing
  8. The only thing that concerns me here is Dalton really isn’t a blocker. He gives effort, but he’s not good at it yet. That’s needed
  9. I’d be curious to know what you do for a living And no, I don’t suck off the government tit. I’m retired and I’ve worked for like 4o years I earned my money make sure you do the same You know, there are some stupid ***** on this board but you’re right up there in the top three
  10. well, I’ll tell you what let’s have some of the supreme court justices start accusing them selves from cases where there is a problem and then we can start talking about this The hypocrisy of the right knows no ends
  11. Amazing so I take it your money doesn’t come from a government job
  12. It would explain a few things that I am noticing in his play, but Josh Allen have an injured shoulder. That’s more injured that’s being let on Take a look at the passes he was throwing yesterday all fast balls no touch Didn’t want to run The short game was not there
  13. I was listening to the hashtag sports podcast after the game and they brought up something that is very possible Josh might be injured It would explain two things Miss throws His passes are all fastballs no touch Reluctance to run Actually, that’s three things
  14. I’m to the point where I’m not even understanding why Gabe Davis is even in this all fence he’s not producing Would totally be OK with throwing him into a trade for an actual productive number two keeping secure in his number three roll
  15. So you’re OK with the government shutting down And the paychecks that won’t come out from it thousands of people who are just doing their jobs and deserve to get paid That you could possibly defend the Republicans actually doing nothing quite literally not doing their jobs is amazing by the way they will get paid
  16. I am saying that she is literally doing the job they asked her to do Meanwhile, the house of representatives is doing absolutely nothing. They can’t pull their head out of their ass.
  17. Anyone that doesn’t see that Trump just wanted to be one of the cool guys even though they won’t except him is not paying attention He is not this hero of the outsides. He is not a hero of the people no matter how hard you want him to be.
  18. Is this the house of representatives? At least Karine Pierre is doing her job
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