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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I’ll try to remember that whenever this idiot puts forth legislation to try to ban gay marriage
  2. I’m not sure if you’re being obtuse The whole point of this conversation was the idiots ban on gay marriage ideology
  3. I don’t accept Christians, pushing their beliefs on other people America is the land of the free let us ***** be free
  4. Let’s be honest here Henry is not your average kind of Stiff arm Can we list the beane failures?
  5. Of course, we accept christians that is the definition of all
  6. Frankly you can take ordinary Christian truths and shove them right up your ass We live in America where we can except all
  7. It will be interesting when the information of how he got comes outM I never really thought of Maine as a state with this kind of problem
  8. I’m still trying to figure out why he changed his screen name That’s pretty good
  9. It’s amazing how the bar of wrong shifts depending on who the person is
  10. Every time I see these arguments the first thing I think about is the practical application I mean yes you have a practical application to be able to defend your home and frankly that’s lawful in America But when you’re out on the street, just think about all the time is that you’re not actually with your weapon but it doesn’t make sense unless you have a specific purpose that day What we need is to be looking at people with mental instability and their access to firearms and that includes ex military as well and I will go to the fire with a Fellow veteran. If you’re having mental instability you should not be having a weapon.
  11. That’s where I’m at with this Mike looks to me like someone who will leave the sinking ship of Trump as soon as it beneficial to him Not a true believer I could be wrong we’ll see because there are dark days ahead for Trump
  12. Imagine being so insecure that you’re worried about somebody seeing you with a bud light in your hand
  13. They would show you if everybody had a gun this wouldn’t happen That is usually the standard SOP
  14. People are judged by their actions He tried to overturn an election we have to see what he will do as a speaker
  15. No the thread is valid it is proven Clarence did these things
  16. STILL literally no proof on joe biden let’s keep the discussion on things that are actually proven
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