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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. No, it’s women’s rights You’re going to find out at the next election
  2. For now In the end, I Dorien Williams is just too much of a beast to keep off the field
  3. A little worried about Joseph just because he hasn’t had a training camp Does no good he pulls a hammy
  4. We’re you posting on other teams boards before losses?
  5. That’s not going to happen We lost one player really good offense of line we replace that player
  6. If I recall correctly, Joseph came out the same year that we drafted Terrell Troop
  7. I really do wish the best for tre I’m just remembering how hard it was for him to come back from that acl Now he has an equally devastating injury on his other leg and it’s I don’t know how he comes back from this
  8. It’s Poona that’s the problem he was supposed to be a reliable, one tech
  9. There was not a problem with quality of weapons on offsets, but our defense was hanging on by a thread I think the general manager did it right you don’t want to give up all of your draft picks and beane has been collecting them for a reason Certainly for ammunition to be able to move around in the next draft We need guys like shakur to start paying off
  10. Once again, I say This is not a new thing sanctuary cities have been around for a long time. We have been excepting immigrants for a long time. Since the inception of the country actually
  11. I guess new is relative what I meant to say is as long as Trump has been around
  12. I don’t actually know if Omar is actually into the brother But given how many of you back roads trailer park trash love ***** your sisters and cousins don’t know why you’re shaming
  13. You’re just jealous that a fine peace of tail like that wouldn’t give you the time a day
  14. I just find it kind of humorous how immigration is the new scare Like it hasn’t been going on for how long?
  15. We’re not overhyping them until we beat them
  16. But did it have $100 bill taped to the last page
  17. I think we have ruined him and should’ve traded him
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