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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. This is Ted Cruz‘s version of. I owned the Libs vote for me.
  2. You’re gonna lose this one at the ballot box but keep pushing it
  3. Some cocaine found and Russian collusion are the same thing? OK Do you ever stop and wonder why nobody ever defends Hunter Biden like literally there are no Democrats defending him here
  4. A couple of thoughts on this I cannot count the number of times that some hotshot coordinator was the next coming and ended up floundering out What makes you think that we would even go after the prospect that several other teams would be going after it just doesn’t seem like the bills way we seem to go after defensive coordinators for head coach
  5. Have you actually listen to Trump speak There is nothing any leftist has said that even comes close to this clown in the hate department
  6. The QB makes all the difference I’d like to know why offense of mind for head coach That could very well not happen
  7. There are only so many coaching positions in the NFL, and they are filled by the very best literally you could not have one of these positions What do you do in your life that makes you so successful to look down on the others
  8. So I know this is a crazy thought Coaching staffs don’t have an upward trajectory every year it’s not linear there are reasons why this team is suffering a bit now and a lot of it has to do with a ton of our salary cap on the injured reserve As long as you have a franchise quarterback, you always have a chance
  9. Just remember a Buffalo Bills night will pretty soon be just a cold night in Buffalo Enjoy it while you got it
  10. Personally, I think McDermott is just getting stretched too thin love his defense, but he also has head coach responsibilities We have some young guys on this coaching staff that I would really like to see get a crack after this year on the defensive side
  11. We need to start looking at our safety position It’s getting long in the tooth
  12. You’re better than this There is still a half a season left to be played. They have lost their starting running back and they’re starting quarterback for the year. They’re not in the playoffs if they kept on playing the way, they were playing then yes maybe but when you lose your starting quarterback, that’s not really automatic
  13. My apologies I guess your post was so idiotic that it stuck out in a losing week
  14. This sounds so simplistic, but I think against the Jets I would just tell Josh to go out there and have fun
  15. He has not lost the locker room His defense is playing some of the best ball. The bills have seen for quite a while, and that is missing some very high profile players. Offensively how do we know that wasn’t the OC?
  16. I would like to see tempo pick up a little bit
  17. Obviously, he is not done. He will be coaching this next week. They just gave him a brand new contract he’s not going anywhere
  18. Why do people keep changing their screen names on here?
  19. I believe that it was McDermott But he would’ve said that it was him even if it wasn’t
  20. Josh Dobbs is kind of an exception and it takes a few games before coordinators start catching on the tendencies The fact of the matter is, there are not enough starting quarterbacks, meaning, starting caliber quarterbacks to go around in the week The Browns as much as I hate to say it because this guy is such a scumbag just got worse
  21. This is your feelings talking to you. You have absolutely no way of knowing if he lost the locker room and can’t get us where we need to go.
  22. I just feel like they tamed his game too much Part of what makes Josh Allen so great is that he’s impossible to defend. If you have everything covered downfield he will just run for a first down. They’ve taken that away from him they need to give it back
  23. Good, if not better with the replacement You absolutely don’t know that
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