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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. The Miami dolphins are not that far ahead of us, and they are totally known for blowing their season at the end of years To rule out that we might catch up next little sense And they have not beaten a team above 500 this season
  2. If they only knew that, he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire By the way, in the military were always ordered to treat executives with respect, regardless of how we feel about them It’s a cult That really is the only answer to responses to this type of behavior The guy is caught on camera, bashing John McCain, and still
  3. A balanced budget sounds great It’s how we get there that’s in question Maybe if Trump would not have spent so much money while he was president?
  4. They probably wouldn’t like it This is my own point of virwI think it’s reasonable Sometimes things can just be settled with a little bit of compromise
  5. Whenever all of the dust settles the fact of the matter, we were winning when Josh Allen walked off the field It’s a hard loss we absolutely should’ve won that game
  6. I think he’s been hurt for a while I don’t necessarily think it’s a concussion
  7. This could be as simple as he got along great with Josh as the quarterback coach, but when it was time for him to be coordinator, they crashed Could be a simple as that
  8. When I talk about multiple abortions, I’m thinking in the terms of everybody can makes a mistake, so my usual number in this area is one I think it is not productive for women to have multiple, because not only is it not good for their body but clearly the lesson has not been learned Use your damn birth control, and think a little bit. What I mean to say here is that you can have an opinion on this without being totally on one side or the other of the issue
  9. My apologies it dropped off the front page and I didn’t see it
  10. Well ***** let’s make some spares while we’re at it
  11. The ethics GOP chair put in a resolution to expel him. What do you thinks gonna happen?
  12. Been saying this for a while the offense tamed our stallion instead of letting him cut loose Let Josh Allen run it opens up the rest of his game
  13. Oh boy, you’re really asking for that saying that to bado
  14. I think this shoulder designation that keeps him coming up on him. Every year is actually much more than that maybe surgery in the off-season.
  15. You have to understand that people that feel this way that they should be able to get away with breaking laws thinks that nothing applies to them because God dammit they’re Americans Why would you insinuate that you want to give money to iran literally nobody is thinking that
  16. I find the whole thing very interesting how blue states are paying for red states blue states for taking a financial loss because they are welcoming immigrants Immigration is good for America. The problem is we have too much immigration at one time. Because we don’t make any attempt to try to help them in the country they’re coming from to make it more livable.
  17. I’m not out now Keep in mind a playoff spot. It’s just about winning the AFC East we’re not that far off the leader.
  18. I haven’t really seen talk about that much, but is it possible that the last oc just had him thinking too much I keep hearing these reports of all kinds of underneath wide receivers open and Josh missing them is he just overthinking it The best, Josh is the one that doesn’t think much, and just let his natural instincts guide him A interception or a completion can be a matter of less than a second
  19. To someone that doesn’t believe in women’s rights, it would be troubling I don’t believe in last minute abortions I also don’t believe that you should take away a woman’s right to an abortion within limits. Keep in mind that there are people out there, trying to make it so that you can’t get an abortion when raped or for ***** I’ve seen people taking it one step further than that, and trying to take away birth control
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