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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You take watt off the field that may change
  2. My son has senior year walked off It was an ACL
  3. It’s been proven that many of the same people just go around from Trump event to Trump event regardless of state Just saying
  4. So back to the original comment Was he on the plane or not? It’s Aaron Rodgers that should be issuing the apology
  5. I will believe that the ravens can do it until they don’t This is a big game for us
  6. And you bite on it hook line and sinker? I’m talking about the primary election dimwit
  7. It just into the hole we’re not going to let Trump win by any means necessary thing I’m tired of their excuses I believe the American people will do the right thing. Maybe I’m wrong. I also think that I would feel much differently about this if he was actually convicted of one of these crimes right now he’s indicted I can’t believe I just said that now I need a bath
  8. You do realize that illegal immigrants can’t vote right? Why do you keep spreading this *****? Is it on purpose?
  9. I’m not sure that he should be off the ballot anyway People should be allowed to vote for whoever they want and live with the consequences of it
  10. Jobs are up, even if you factor in pre pandemic levels
  11. The way Miami has set up their home field. It gives them extreme home-field advantage. But this is a night game, so it’s mitigated
  12. I’m having a hard time, believing that he will ever see inside of jail cell That’s a lot of charges though maybe house arrest
  13. It is sad that you cannot see the projection in this post Why would somebody blame Trump for Joe’s shortcomings?
  14. This will rival the stupidity of Donald Trump‘s posts, but no one will ever see it past this board so you lose
  15. Would this be a bad time to point out where most of the welfare goes per capita hint it’s not in the blue states
  16. I wonder if Trump the teenage ninja turtle a big hug I think that a person‘s words and actions explain them best. Trump has said repeatedly, that if he is reelected that he will get the mob out of jail that’s really all anybody needs to know to see where his mind is at.
  17. Yes, you should use them Because it sounds like you’re blaming the victim Oh, don’t think any different contraception is definitely next
  18. First of all, I’m independent I am a left-leaning. Independent but I am an independent. Second, it looks like the Democrats are more about cleaning up their own than Republicans are that’s the reason why you see anti-Clinton sentiment while Republicans worship Trump like a God, and he can do no wrong, even when he does The fact of the matter is Trump is on that list several times
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