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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You put two monster interior offensive line on this team and whoever you put it running back is 1000 yard back
  2. This time of the year every team is beat up that’s the reason why if you can enter the playoffs healthy like we are it’s a huge bonus
  3. Some people need to open their eyes when they’re watching the games Seven sacks in a rotation like ours come on man
  4. as in the words of Kobe Bryant ” Scared… Get a dog”
  5. Anybody watch the series designated Survivor i’m binging this right now into season two I got to say I’m hooked
  6. When I was stationed in Cape Cod I found the women in Boston amazing except for the ones that were patriot fans there was something just wrong with their face
  7. Now on that you got me I did not see the patriots making the playoffs this year We say this every year about the Jets I’m wondering when people will realize that it’s just not going to happen they will end up firing their coach and starting over again before any of their draft picks come to fruition
  8. It does make sense for the Pats to want that they would have to go to cinci right? The pats probably are praying for the worst weather possible in hopes they can hang in the game and win by 1 The legend of BB Its a new day media types
  9. Honestly I think people should just brace them selves for the fact that both of our coordinators are going to be gone I think it’s happening this year
  10. Einstein I believe you were the one to make the Assertation don’t you think you should be the one to prove your point and not ask other people to do it
  11. And of course 40 mile per hour winds had nothing to do with that...... Truth be told they should not have even won that game....as long as a hurricane does not blow through on Sunday we got this
  12. They are inferior team with a QB that cannot shoulder the load One-dimensional teams get destroyed
  13. I get onto several YouTube podcasts in the afternoon time and it’s filled with patriot trolls if they’re going to disrupt our conversations then ***** them
  14. Until I see what he is going to do on Saturday.....yes I am concerned. I dont want to get all fancy in a game we should not need to. Run the ball.....Let Josh work the short game.....get the patriots down in the score....and get out of the way and let their rookie QB make the mistakes that will do them in
  15. This just in sir.......ALL nfl teams score in bunches.
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