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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I just see Motor and Moss being the same "type" of player with Motor being better (I was wrong on that one....I didnt realize that Moss had such poor vision) We need a change up in the bullpen BEHIND Motor that can actually be active on game days and not sit on the DNP list......a SPEED back......a guy that can do other things like be a returner.....a value guy
  2. The addition of Kromer is going to help the running backs a lot
  3. So funny I lived right next to Josh when he lived on his farm in up in Northern Cali Now I live right next to him as he is in Irvine and I am in Riverside County
  4. When Klein gets released for the cap space this is your backup LB
  5. We got really lucky with Spencer Brown let’s not act like that’s a common thing
  6. As a hc if he was looking for a dc job he would have already been hired but it is what it is
  7. Cant see us cutting him if there are major salary cap ramifications More then likely will say they are stocked up at that spot and go another way in the draft
  8. something something rearranging the deck chairs something
  9. He has a nice cushy job in Buffalo...what exactly is he worried about?
  10. Exactly how much better do you want to see Josh "see the field" or "get rid of the ball faster" He was like......arguably the best player in the NFL last year
  11. OK that was a bit extreme....he WAS up and down in his career trending up
  12. It could be a cole beasely situation who shined when he got to play with Josh. Cole was langishing on the Dallas bench before he got here.
  13. Why do you keep on saying that it makes you look ignorant the staff is not bad at evaluating dl talent Ankau Isn’t fair enough for you
  14. I am very happy with the Kromer hire and was not impressed with Bobby Johnson at all
  15. SInce everyone is already thinking it https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=N74YLzTJ&id=1DE70A70ABE700F7A30818F3AA8D475592FB33F9&thid=OIF.aALZG66JL5laVrOCVmfeQQ&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fexternal-preview.redd.it%2f115VauzKjHPrDXyS9u9Eb6_X89jBf8yr1aDRci6FB5g.jpg%3fauto%3dwebp%26s%3d5fef8533c4df3899a856bb2a1533068a7d0ce728&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.37be182f34c911d2d5cf9a85a2805d33%3frik%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=140&expw=140&q=Brook+Kromer&simid=6952391832591&FORM=IRPRST&ck=6802D91BAE892F995A56B3825667DE41&selectedIndex=8
  16. Im not so sure.....Star's contract is now awefully hard to get out from under The fact that they kept him on a futures contract actually to me says the opposite
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