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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I’m trying to figure out how you can tell with those things are not being taught in that classroom from a simple photo. Sorry, I know you don’t like it but it’s a valid question.
  2. I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with this photo Looks like a lot of inclusion
  3. No, TJ Watt, less pass brush Let Josh Allen cook
  4. I honestly think that it wasn’t necessarily the wrong call If the receiver gets a little lower and extends the ball over the end zone it’s a touchdown he just happened to run into two defenders right at the end zone and they made a good play
  5. Of course I had to watch this at 10:32 at night now I can’t sleep
  6. John McCain understood civility, something that the GOP desperately lacks nowadays no, you need two parties to balance each other out
  7. John McCain is everything that the Republican should be right now and aren’t
  8. Quick summary, they don’t like each other Aaron Rodgers said something that he doesn’t even know if it’s true and Kim has been talking ***** about Aaron for a while. The only thing that’s come out is flight log which Kimmel is not on. Kimmel threatened to sue Aaron Rodgers didn’t apologize
  9. I miss Empire sports
  10. Is it possible for me to like Pat but dislike Rogers because that’s kind of where I’m at
  11. I guess my question to you would be what do you think Trump actually did to better America I’m not talking about standing on a stage with his useless rhetoric I’m talking about actual what did he do to make America a better place in your eyes?
  12. I still remember when this coach ran off in the middle of the night from Miami. Next thing you know he was coaching Alabama.
  13. Which one I was stationed on the East Coast for sometime as well
  14. I was never like I said I voted for Bernie
  15. I shamelessly used an old Air Force contact to get military toilet paper from March Air Force Base. They’re literally was none in the stores
  16. Both of them are horrible people Democrats did not send their best during those years
  17. I still remember whenever people were hoarding toilet paper during the pandemic, and there was none on the shelves I took pictures of the shelves at the market during that time, mostly just to show how there was nothing there and my girlfriend was trying to send it to store to pick up stuff. It was pretty.crazy
  18. Pro military, huh? Voted for someone that made fun of someone who got captured a time of war Berated his generals because they told him common sense things that he didn’t want to hear Called people that served in the military suckers and losers What were you voting for again?
  19. What exactly is the false version of Trump?
  20. This is pretty pretty unhinged Yeah, I’m not. So sure about this. Bombing the federal building was pretty bad and the person that did that accomplished their mission
  21. I don’t hear you talking about trump hotel, and all the money that they were taking in from other countries THAT is something you should be upset about if you’re upset about this
  22. I feel bad for the kids and the grandkids I really do Why do people destroy their lives over Donald Trump?
  23. you know his dog can’t stand him Poor thing
  24. Well, I don’t know how long does it take to post a Trump meme?
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