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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I mean....I get the OP's point Groceries have been delivered
  2. I thought this offseason would be status quo and nothing big Obviously not Glad to be wrong
  3. I mean just stop and think about what you are saying.......and then compare it to the rest of the teams in the NFL This team has been TOP FIVE IN THE NFL If we want to pro long Allen's career then improve the OL play in front of him....just inserting Bates into that lineup picked up our running game How much do we run the ball now compared to those teams....go ahead....look it up And Thurmal was a 2nd round pick
  4. Explain how this is a thing to a team that barely runs the ball? Honestly Iron I think you just like shiny new toys
  5. Well its a good thing that Beane appears to have gotten the overall draft right or else we wouldnt be a top 5 NFL team right? You know the - Franchise QB (like 90 percent of the battle) - 1st round picks are panning out - Later round picks are panning out
  6. I said at the very beginning of this that I expect status quo. - We dont have cap space - We have a almost completely filled out roster (on a top 5 NFL team) - Beane has NEVER shown himself to be a guy to go on spending sprees on name free agents - Its worked well so far
  7. Did you ever stop to think that some of these players going today that you think are A's when they are really B's? Free agents are almost NEVER as good to the team they go to as the team they came from....its a fact. They get their bag and peter out
  8. Can he have some more down years for us....you know the ones where he goes to the Pro Bowl?
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