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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. This is what we run into when cap gets tied and you are paying some players big money......you have to draft and bring along players. I expect a lot more of this as we go along. Super bowl teams dont have pro bowlers at every position they have difference makers at some of their positions. I just really like Brown's attitude....he wants to hurt you
  2. To all those people advocating for Bree Hall I like the player but what are we going to do at corner if Trey doesn’t come back 100% and we end up having to roll out Dane Jackson and some other scrub we are going to be screaming about how we didn’t address this
  3. Extremely tall though not really a quality you look for in a guard
  4. We don’t know what the final numbers are on this yet I would’ve liked to seen a couple of years contract because case is a good back up
  5. Does it matter mckistichangehismind is not coming here Time to move on Find someone that meets the treats were looking for
  6. Just get consistent pressure on the quarterback with sacks Mixed in here and there
  7. Wasn’t the book on brown that he wasn’t supposed to even be playing in year one but made enough good plays that they kept him on the field I think he will be fine I understand we don’t have anything behind him
  8. Last year we had money Mitch backing up Josh This year one of the best backups in the league is backing up Josh It absolutely fits
  9. As long as that GM can pick a franchise QB they can dress any damn way they want
  10. I dont think we need 6 million to pay for the draft due to some of the later contracts not counting towards the cap.
  11. Motor isnt invincible. We need another back to pair with him
  12. I feel like a decision needs to be made....we just dont have the cap to sit on it Well we do but it would require other moves we dont have numbers on some of the guys we brought in and are at about 2 million which is not enough to sign our draft picks
  13. Gilmore is not a zone corner......and didnt like his time here the first time around Woods....in on that all day
  14. I dont think Edmunds is a bad player but according to the cap thread he is cost 10 million towards our cap....... If pick 25 went to a LB....I wouldnt like it at first but I would understand it
  15. One of the questions we really need to be asking if they cant pass protect they wouldnt get playing time anyway
  16. That wont totally mess us up down the road? Looking at the cap thread it looks like we are now really up against it (but Beane has done a great job so far) When you have those unicorns on both sides of the ball (Allen on O, Miller on D) I realize that we are going to draft and play rookies because they are on cost controlled contracts. Do we keep Ryan Bates? Who is our slot receiver?
  17. So the restructures is something I will never understand....if the browns did this does this mean that buffalo wouldnt rework that 6 million to help our cap? I would rather extend him out a bit and have a backup QB for 2 or even 3 years and not have to worry about it.....Case is an excellent backup
  18. I may be off on this but I always felt we "hid" Bates a bit in the time he has been here while they coached him up......then he came in and gave less then a year's starting OL play this past year so once again hoping to "hide" him so they can sign him cheap
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