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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Its ok its not like BB can stop Josh Allen anyway anything short of a Hurricane
  2. I honestly hope Wade does get an opportunity somewhere in the NFL.....great story
  3. I was watching a YouTube the other day about something prevolving the bills and someone respected was talking about what a great front office we have an organization I always smile every time I hear somebody say that because it hasn’t always been that way
  4. Sir, What in his first year led you to believe this? I mean as a bills fan I WANT this to happen.......but he literally couldnt even handle special teams duties. Hell.....Lil Dirty was BETTER at returns even with the botched one that ended up in a turnover.......Lil Dirty ran some back for touchdowns only to get called back. As a actual on the field on offense receiver? What did Stevenson show in his first year to make you even believe this?
  5. He lacks the speed that I want in CB one. I love him as a run stuffer and he has good instincts. I championed him all last year.
  6. The only thing that interests me in this is the contract.....Wagner a very good MLB got 10 million a year. That is about all I really want to pay for Edmunds
  7. Not sure why Dane would not be ready to be CB2 he did pretty well in that role last year. He def is not ready to be CB1 and I am not sure if he ever will be.
  8. I just think Beane has a price point and this year a team was willing to pay it so they wished him well.
  9. I keep looking for the video where McDuffie has these T Rex arms like he hearing about all I can find is video where are you smacking people and making plays
  10. I thought Bease was great but there’s a reoccurring theme here the guy gets injured every year
  11. McDuffie is the call here He and Dane Jackson could hold things down until Trey is ready and then you’ve got Tre and McDuffie
  12. I forgot about him and would be totally OK with that I don’t care about the name on the back of the jersey I care that they excel in zone coverage that’s why I didn’t want Gilmore
  13. To me it is not even about this....Dane is number 2..but tre until further notice is INJURED we need another quality corner
  14. I think there is a strong chance Gabe Davis is a fine number 2 I would just like to keep adding very good wide receivers....its our fastball
  15. WIth each passing day this is starting to grow on me I still want a corner or a wr in the first round but the more and more mocks that play out all the ones worthy of a 1st round grade are gone. If this happens I would rather try to get 2 second round picks and if that happens Breece Hall becomes more and more of a viable option. I just dont want him in the 1st round. His pass catching ability and his 4.3 whatever speed are intriguing to me.
  16. I have given up trying to understand the words of today's music.....I just enjoy the beat
  17. Limeaid I im sorry to hear this that is rough. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here.
  18. If its the best available then I draft him....but I if we went that route I would like to draft a OT that can play OG. I am watching these mock drafts and I see some where all the best WR AND CB's are gone.....what do you do then.....trade down? Draft Breece Hall? I think in that situation a OL should def be in play
  19. LMAO Trolls dont have 30K posts However Idiots with less then 1K.....yeah good chance your not being genuine Try harder
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