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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Easily one of the most popular players, whenever he was here
  2. I never liked haak takes forever punting the ball
  3. No because dumbasses are making comments about throwing dildos at her. Of course they’re gonna put her in a box where she can’t be touched or or else she could just be treated like a normal fan if people weren’t being so stupid.
  4. Regardless of how you feel about Joe Biden, I don’t get how anybody could think that Donald Trump is actually the president. He doesn’t even respect the office.
  5. Tom Did you even bother to even look at the article?
  6. Because he didn’t have control of the military you can bet that if he had control of the military he’d still be there
  7. Sadly, I am reactive whenever people start losing it and come crashing down on the team to be aggressive towards them, which I really need to stop It’s me just trying to hold my own craziness
  8. Much better that those votes are for something that they actually got promises made and kept https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-michael-moore-donald-trump-support-834932400088
  9. This whole problem with immunity for Trump is the fault of the people that actually elected him. We have gotten to a point in this country where we are willing to have someone of such low, moral fiber sit in the president seat. Therefore, that person cannot have immunity because we can’t trust him to use it correctly
  10. I think he was so surprised that he actually got there at time that he forgot to tackle a quarterback Anyway, it was good to see Von Miller in the same vicinity as the quarterback
  11. If you don’t already think that Brandon Bean has not done a good job, putting together this roster, then nothing will convince you You can’t sit there and blame him for a loss if we’re playing back ups in a playoff game
  12. Tulsi Gabbard ran for president as a Democrat whenever she didn’t get the nomination she went Republican That is not high charactor
  13. I got 20 that says Douglas plays
  14. Fox News really does hate its audience. They just count on the fact that they won’t do their own research. The economy is not in the tank compared to other other countries were actually doing quite well Inflation is down it’s not out of control
  15. Are you not paying attention? He literally did not want to leave office after he lost the election. That’s why he’s in court. If you say that you’re not a Trump supporter, I believe you I am a absolute Trump hater
  16. Should be fired on the spot
  17. All I know is if Josh Allen would’ve acted the way that Patrick Mahomes did after that last game I would be ashamed as a bills fan
  18. The guy is not funny politics aside he looks like an idiot
  19. I would feel a whole lot better if we weren’t so beat up
  20. It is not surprising to me that you picked one of the few comedians that actually do this for the comedy. They’re not funny at all.
  21. Simple question Who actually has the laptop?
  22. Better than anything Patrick Mahomes can cook up
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