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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. If anything the team has shown us that they like interchangeable players there are players at corner right now they can play safety in this defense I don’t really understand all the hubbub anyway because I thought Johnson played well the defense as a whole played well
  2. You’re welcome to bring them up and we’re welcome to tell you you’re full of *****
  3. PFF is a joke One penalty didn’t cost us the game there were literally six things that happened in that game they could’ve turned it If you think star caliber safeties are not going to get burned by hill and waddle you were delusional
  4. This is Who Josh is you also wouldn’t have the big place if he wasn’t taking the big chances the funny thing about this is the majority of this game he was Tom Brady ISH just dissecting them all game along with a short passing game for a long time consuming drives instead of throwing the ball down the field I personally think we’re being over conservative in that area and should just let Josh sling it a little bit
  5. It would’ve been so funny if that big boy in the bills shirt would’ve sent him flying
  6. At the end of last season the offense of line was playing just fine all we did was bring back last years troop minus mongo and Williams In the first two games they perform just fine we are never going to have high stat running backs because we don’t give them the ball enough
  7. Xavier Rhodes is what he is a older veteran Corner who has played in Frazier system at this point in the season that’s about the best you’re going to get Since when has bean forgot his wallet on worthwhile players
  8. How many come from behind touchdown passes does Josh Allen have for this team Josh’s best under pressure It was the team around him imploding that was the problem I center that can’t get them the ball a running game that wasn’t working pressure on every play and trying to run a long drive short Passinggame plan To keep the ball away from hill and waddle The one thing that I don’t like that they’re doing is the third and one game plan this is an excellent opportunity to have a full back get you a yard and give the office of line some confidence and running the ball this passing out of shotgun to gain a yard thing is Driving me insane just another opportunity for somebody to take a hit at our quarterback
  9. Great now we’re going to start bashing on our Mvp bound unicorn quarterback How many times did he throw during this game how many long drives 400 yards no Ints
  10. How’s the weather starts turning Miami will start fading in all these super irritating fin fans will be once again crying in their beer
  11. Wait a minute didn’t you say just the other day that they did have those cooling devices?
  12. A fisherman sees another fisherman from a far Which he should do people really think that our players should carry a loss in to the next weeks game come on man
  13. Felt a lot better about it after we signed a veteran corner We are getting players back this week to
  14. You could really do worse as your back up corner or even safety
  15. He is absolutely going to get called up your only other option there is an undrafted UB ball player
  16. This is a good thing especially with Binford being out with the surgery
  17. At the end of this year while we are making our plans for our Super Bowl run then fans will be telling us about week three while they sit on the couch
  18. The game up in Buffalo should be interesting let’s see this guy walk through the stadium doing that there
  19. I wouldn’t be opposed to it especially if it was the best player at the time of the draft pick keep in mind that centers can also play guard you could have a situation where the draft pick plays guard well Mitch Morse plays out his contract and then slides over
  20. I mean all you really need to do is point at the fumble right next to our goal line because Josh didn’t get the ball to show how important Mitch is to this team
  21. At this point it’s not a player that you build around but in our situation it’s perfect for us
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