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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. We literally have a top-five defense in the NFL while running to rookie corners Just chew on that for a minute
  2. Case Keenum was widely considered one of the best backup QBs in the league now we’re afraid to play him
  3. Why are the bills fifth on that list when we have a better record against everybody but the Eagles
  4. At the three-quarter mark of last year we were running the ball well can we please stop with the revisionist history
  5. To help out case Run to tight end sets and actually use them Run the ball in two te sets
  6. I’ll tell you what would be interesting is if I Case Keenum lid offense Utilize their tight ends Ran the ball with their running backs and gained over 100 yards And this is not a knock on Josh Allen far from it just wonder what the OC would come up with when he knew he didn’t have Josh Allen to rely on
  7. My problem is they were letting holding go all day long and then in the final minutes throw a flag on a very very iffee Call Be consistent please refs
  8. No they won’t Miami was damn lucky that they won at home when we played them there the whole idea of getting Josh healthy is so that he goes in and makes Miami his B word like he normally does at home
  9. I know it’s not a popular opinion but we need Josh for the long-haul we are literally only halfway through the season If he can’t injury any worse play him Given how much we throw if there is any chance that it would injure him further sit him
  10. No reason to think anything else but that
  11. I have absolutely no problem with people that are concerned about Sunday’s loss it’s whenever they turn around and equivocate it to how good the team actually is overall they get idiotic The team had a horrible game because of Is a lot different than The team sucks because
  12. What is the loss by the Chiefs to the Colts also inexcusable don’t hear their fans cutting their wrists
  13. My thoughts are the bills are elite team and are going to be fine Anybody that thought this team was going to go undefeated was the deluding themselves The bills playing at their top level this year can go anywhere in the playoffs and beat anybody This is not like last year because last year to get our record off we were beating losing teams this year we are beating good teams with good QBs We have also shaken off the mantra that we can’t win close games because we have in fact won close games this year As with every team health will play a important part
  14. Except when it comes to the bills we’re six and two and we suck
  15. Why because he agrees with you? Was he not injured? I have seen the same bull#### from you and another post were you think that injured players should go out there and play
  16. I can’t remember one undefeated season during that time Of course you do
  17. I am just embarrassed for you did you think that this team was going to go undefeated this year No mention of the fact that we have beaten quality teams this year just the two losses
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