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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. On this, I agree The orange gets too much attention as it is report it and move on
  2. And of course you can prove that Because so far they haven’t Meanwhile, Donnie boy just came out of a courtroom, losing his *****
  3. Coming from the guy that wants to nuke Gazza this is not surprising
  4. What exactly is fake? Sometimes I really do think that you live in an alternate reality Never did understand all of Trump’s lawsuits. He’s so bad at it. I have a hard time believing that conservative person feels that Trump is being persecuted The biggest problem that you have with this particular person is that he does it to himself. He simply cannot keep his mouth shut or control himself.
  5. It’s criminal versus the non-criminal Both are old United States should be able to come up with better on both sides Cry more Greg All they had to do was play the deposition where Trump said that if you’re rich you can do whatever you want to women and then double down on it when asked and this was over. I’m surprised that it took three hours.
  6. Diggs had a down here and I think he will rebound but just in case let’s draft a replacement
  7. You are literally supporting Republicans that fight on a daily basis and don’t get anything done I would ask you how you sleep at night, but you’re just like them no self-awareness at all
  8. I haven’t gone through the whole thread, but I think that the fact that Josh Allen tends to throw interceptions whenever he tries to target gave Davis needs to be considered
  9. Who exactly do you consider the big three Please tell me that you consider yourself one of them. I need a good laugh today.
  10. this is not true We were the second seed in the AFC ring chasers will still come here
  11. I really hope not
  12. I don’t have a problem with the throw to the end zone. That’s Josh being Josh you can’t love people in slices you have to take the whole pie We lost that game because we were decimated on defense with injuries as simple as that
  13. If you stand with Texas, then help your country by writing to these gop who are not helping them
  14. It may be the Republicans should get off their ass and take the deal that Biden is offering them for help with the border The Democrats messaging on this is terrible because the people that take these polls don’t realize that it’s the Republicans that are the ones holding things up
  15. What is this fourth-quarter stuff that I’m hearing doesn’t sound too bad
  16. He’s not getting any younger so we’ll see I want the money going to the offense anyway
  17. More Curious about who the defensive coordinator is going to be
  18. I am sorry that I misunderstood that you were trying to say I agree that these things should not be tied together Because they’re not being attacked I promise you, the Alamo will still be there in the morning
  19. You don’t know that Ukraine has been tied to border security Have you been living under a rock?
  20. I look at it as a situation of where Trump won the battle, but he didn’t win the war
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