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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. A sidenote one of the things that did happen last game (and in a couple of games) the bills were able to run that ball on that last drive to seal it.....to me that is the absolute time you have to be able to run the ball. WIth a lead...just choking the life out of the other team where they either just waive the white flag or make a mistake.
  2. Diggs "You gettin in my bag bruh" An absolute nothing burger.....the kids just chirping at each other in good fun
  3. Did you know a werewolf can kill a vampire? I learned that this month! Its not like the bills dont work against a QB that does that in practice every day lol
  4. Tame by old patriot standards When Brady was with the patriots if you took a shot at Tom Brady the Patriots would intentionally try to injure you on the field
  5. i was born and lived as a youth in Kemmerer Wyoming
  6. I always liked the Winter soldier Born and bred from the Wintory hell hole that is Wyoming
  7. Sir, why are you referring to yourself in the second person?
  8. I think Hamlin has shown what he is at this point. He’s a good back up.
  9. Continuity is important for a quarterback if you bring in an OC from outside the team, he’s going to want to run his own Offense, which could actually have hurt Josh Allen I am quite sure if there are coaches that would line up to be a coach on this team
  10. I personally am not going to be happy until Josh Allen throws the ball to himself for a touchdown
  11. The bills are number one in the AFC and separated themselves from the other teams. How dominant do they need to be to be the alpha? What would’ve been the alternative here Josh Allen wanted Dorsey
  12. We shouldn’t take any NFL team lightly, but come on man the bills have faced the Who’s Who of quarterbacks this year
  13. To me, the minor detail that keeps on getting missed is the losses amount to like a total of eight points last year this was a team that whenever they beat you, they dominated you, but whenever they lost, they got blown out they have learned from that mistake Every game is close. We literally have had a chance to win every game that we have lost this year and we only lost three games.
  14. Let’s talk when Dawson actually starts putting up the numbers that they did
  15. Naaaaa Love me some Dawson but Scott Chandler and Pete Metz were pretty darn good
  16. There are downsides to it anyway that you look at I just think that the bills wanted control of their destiny if you score, and then you turn the ball over to Miami with one time out and all that speed on the office of side, kind of taking it out of your own hands
  17. It’s not that it’s talking like the team should be perfect. Even though other teams are not being overly critical after a win, I mean why? And we’ve had three losses this year the criticizing just ramped up 10 times during those weeks
  18. It’s all relative man for some reason there are folks that want to get overly critical after a win like they’re complaining is going to change a damn thing Be happy with the wind be happy with 11 and three be happy that we’ve had 10+ wins in four seasons some of us a lot of us were here for the decade of not being able to even get to the playoffs so to listen to people complaining right after a game is annoying
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