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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. He has also been a monster this year, right up to the point where he got injured you don’t measure a defensive tackles, production in sacks, and Oliver is more of a disruptor having said that thinking that Oliver should make the pro bowl is silly because he has been inconsistent due to his injuries
  2. If Bates can go at center, we will be fine I actually like him a lot as a center.
  3. To me that is solely on the of line we actually have the backs to have an affective screen game, but all it takes is one miss block to screw the whole thing up
  4. My point is, you can take a breakdown in defensive coverage that happens in a bills game and you could turn around and you could watch other teams and they will have the exact same breakdowns more of them even given the defensive ranking of the bills I’m not saying don’t criticize if somebody ***** up they ***** up, but I just wish people would understand that it’s not a bills thing when waddle and he’ll have been terrorizing the fences all year
  5. No, it’s really not close enough. There’s a reason why defensive ends have more sacks than interior defense of lineman as a whole. and yes, Brian Burns is a great player. We have Groot and spent a Brinks truck full of money on Von Miller, who unfortunately got hurt.
  6. Brian Burns doesn’t even play the same position
  7. It’s like you don’t even watch the games Oliver is an absolute stud
  8. So I know this is hard to fathom, but sometimes really good players make plays it whenever they play on other teams for some it’s like they don’t even bother to watch other games. All they do is watch the bills and have their mind wrapped around the way that they should be perfect.
  9. I have been a Hamlin supporter and I still him. I think he does some nice things on the field. I think he is a solid back up level player, but every time I see a big gain against us in the secondary, I see Hamlin diving at somebody and missing.
  10. Let’s hope that bates is up to playing center and Ike is back to be able to play guard
  11. We’re just gonna have to see how this plays out Boyer definitely one of my favorite players
  12. It’s all relative to other teams in the league. It’s not like the Kansas City Chiefs are blowing anybody out recently
  13. I’ve been streaming NFL Sunday ticket for the last two years other than a slight delay everything about it, including the picture has been excellent
  14. Travis Henry was such a good player. Too bad he was such a horrible person.
  15. How? It’s not a matter of wanting to keep him I think most of us would like to keep him we can’t keep everybody
  16. He has more player of the week awards, but they treat him like Voldemort, whenever talking about him as the MVP of the league he who shall not be named
  17. I don’t get it it’s like you post everything the opposite of reality in the first fins game, we totally controlled the time of possession for the whole game and barely lost with that also be a case of the bills coaching, coaching the Miami’s coaching In the second game, we played to our strengths, and we won Miami is not out coaching us as a matter fact it’s the exact opposite, because Miami is better at many offensive positions than we are except for one Our coaching is beating their talent
  18. I’d rather let it play out and find out what the circumstances were but there’s one thing that is undeniable five guys beat down one guy it’s on camera does Willie McGinest really need for other guys in order to give some common dude a beating add some gang mentality ***** right there
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