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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You cannot predict injuries like that von would’ve really helped us just like he did the Rams Brandon beans thought process on that was sound
  2. no doubt, but that masking only goes so far It doesn’t mask that the defense went number one in dvoa during the regular season Once again, whenever you’re evaluating management, you don’t just evaluate how they did in the playoffs. The regular season is taken into consideration as a fan can choose to evaluate it the way that you want but the people that are doling out the paychecks do not view it that way, nor should they. Let’s put it this way. Let’s say the bills fire Brandon beane he would have another job before he made it to his car
  3. Do you think Trey White is going to retire lol one of the worst takes ever
  4. To me, it is all about how the draft falls I am a huge proponent of not drafting at a position whenever the player of value is not there. The reason why I keep pushing for either an offense of lineman, or a wide receiver is because typically there is value at those positions at the end of the first round. Now, let’s say all of the top players at those positions have been drafted in this running back is the best value and on the board then of course he’s the logical pick
  5. Players actually talked about it I think it had a lot to do with it. Roger saffold was quick to point it out Ran out of gas means emotionally spent Just stop and think about it for a minute these people are not robots they literally saw their teammate die on the field in front of them. Great medical staff was able to resuscitate him, but he did die.
  6. General managers are rated on how well the team performs.Period Frankly, whenever you get the franchise QB, right, it gives you a lot of leeway
  7. I have no doubt that being was brought in by McDermott and that’s because he does good at what he does probably they also have a good working relationship together. A lot of this is about fit know who reports to who It has worked well anyone that says that has not worked well is not paying attention. They are a perennial playoff contender even though they have not won the final prize that doesn’t make it a failure failure is whenever they don’t make the playoffs and people get fired.
  8. They have been flat in the fourth quarter of the season. There’s no denying that and the damar Hamlin situation had a lot to do with that. Lesser team might make the playoffs but there’s absolutely no doubt it to suggest that they actually win Super Bowls. They turn into lucky to be there and happy to be their teams. To me, it’s about consistency you can’t be ***** hot at the beginning of the season and then start playing fat and happy as you get closer to the playoffs sometimes I even like a loss because it keeps the team grounded realizing that they aren’t all that and the other teams can beat them I still feel that this season was an outlier because of the Hamlin situation last year. The office was firing on all cylinders against the Chiefs and we should’ve won that game. No participation trophies, though we didn’t win that game but I’m not gonna go down on this team because for a couple of years they ended up being the third of fourth best team in the league. Maybe that’s because I lived through the two decades of loss as a fan.
  9. Bills fans are smart they know that the offensive line is where we need to approve Because it affects so many other things It keeps our quarterback, healthy Improves our passing game Improves our running game It keeps opposing offenses off the field, whenever they are playing well It burns clock whenever you have a lead
  10. Eli Apple is a prick But we need a grow a thicker skin next year beat that ass for what he’s talking about today
  11. The way I understand it is they both report to Pegula It seems to me like they have gotten along perfectly I can understand all this talk if the team wasn’t winning and not having 13 and three seasons but there’s absolutely no reason to believe that these two don’t get along great I am sure that they’re feeling a little bit of heat given that they’re getting close to winning it all and then not getting the final prize but other than four other teams in the league other teams would be dying to have this relationship in the front office
  12. Yeah, that doesn’t really make any sense. You have to play well in the regular season in order to set yourself up for the postseason. It makes sense that you would want to do that. The team that played the Bengals was just flat that’s all there is to it
  13. I think if there is a high potential offensive player in round three be at a lineman for a wide receiver, and we go defense, I’m gonna be upset McDermitt is a defensive coach. Let him coach up some players this year on defense and let’s put groceries on the office of side of the ball. How good with Josh Allen be if he didn’t have to move off his mark every other play because a free rusher is coming at him against these good teams I read a statistic that in that Bengals game they were playing walk down coverage against our receivers if we had someone besides digs that was ultra talented on the officer side of the ball would that help that? yes, things are not going well offensively one of the things good teams are able to do is knuckle down and grind it out on the ground get those first downs keep the ball, moving and keep it away from the opponents office. That is what Baltimore did to almost beat the Bengals just the week before.
  14. I think there’s a lot to be said on the kind of ball that you’re playing as you go into the playoffs. We started off the year so hot and by the time we go to the 3/4 mark of the season we weren’t playing or baseball I think that does go on coaching because by the time we got to the 3/4 mark we were starting to get people back off of injury. We were very healthy minus a few players in that game against the Bengals, I think they came out flat. I think the damar Hamlin situation had something to do with that and you can blame coaching for them being flat but it’s the players that play the game.
  15. To me this boils down to what are we going to see from James Cook next year Does James Cook find a way to pack on an extra 10 pounds and be able to run between the tackles effectively and do it more often than he did in college? Hines is also not that guy that’s going to consistently run between the tackles I’m not saying, go out and spend big money on some prize, free agent running back we can’t afford to do that. Be perfectly honest I would not be against bringing Duke Johnson back again next year who did well every time he got an opportunity. Fixing the run, blocking, would go along way to more consistency and running the ball which we need but I would not be against a banger on the roster with some size
  16. The whole year that’s exactly what the defense did. They made offenses work, their way down the field, and then got stingy year as they got closer to the red zone. Right up until the Bengals game I’m not happy with what happened in that playoff game but whenever you take a step back and you look at it, you have to look at the overall work a 13 and three season is nothing to scar fat. There are like 95% of the league that wish that they could do that. Nobody is getting fired after a 13 and three season nobody not the head coach not the general manager, not the coordinators The question that needs to be answered is what happened once we hit the playoffs I still believe, and I have seen nothing to change my opinion. This team was emotionally spent the damar Hamlin situation cause this team to be spent emotionally. You don’t go from being one of the highest scoring teams in the league and giving up some of the fewest points in the league, along with finding ways to win close games all year long to what we saw last Sunday They absolutely should be afraid of going backwards with a new coach a new system that requires new players This team just went 13 and three there is absolutely no reason to believe that a new offensive or defensive philosophy that required retooling on both sides of the ball, would not result in a lesser record to think that you’re going to do better than 13 and three with major changes is just Folly I get the people are concerned about what happened when we hit the playoffs this year I am too but first you gotta get there
  17. All GMs miss A general manager is not gonna have a slip on his desk whenever his team just went 13 and three
  18. At least he didn’t create a post in order to give it
  19. This is where I am at I understand that there are people here that actually hate Oliver so much that they want to ignore his production when healthy but there’s more to consider here I don’t want to give a non-superstar player a super star contract that doesn’t help us If you could find a way to trade Oliver for an impact player on either side of the ball, I wouldn’t question it. I see no reason why you would trade him for a fifth round pick because he gives you more production than that.
  20. Sigh If only the bills would use to tighten sets with extreme athletes at the tide in positions It would certainly help the running game
  21. It really should’ve started with hear me out. I have messages that start with that the filter so I don’t waste my time.
  22. Being tall, as an offense of lineman actually affects you more in the running game
  23. We’re about to find out because the Niners are damn good
  24. When they put it out in the media there, but definitely doing it They have to have a plan at safety
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