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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Just show me the plan to improve the line in the wide receiver position and I’m with you
  2. Absolutely mental You were describing a needle in a haystack of needles with Kurt Warner not the norm why can’t you people get that through your heads the buying a lottery ticket doesn’t guarantee that you’re gonna win it
  3. Every year, the Jets or the next biggest thing and every year they are picking high in the draft. When will you people learn
  4. For every Parcells and Johnson there were 30 something other coaches that would’ve driven the team into the toilet People seem to forget that the statistical chance that you go back from a winning coach whenever you’re winning now is higher than finding a coach that he’s gonna put you over the top that is a statistical fact
  5. Nope I mean serious why should we give a ***** what Colin thinks he was late on the bandwagon for Josh Allen as it is
  6. So I always circle around to how would motor do if we didn’t have a franchise QB, and he had to carry the load My answer to this always ends up being not well now some of this is not his fault. The team is not built as it’s currently constructed to knuckle down and grind out a touchdown on the ground win a good defense is game planning to stop it motor has always had the benefit of being able to run against light boxes.
  7. Josh Allen can do more things Tom Brady has been the best at what he does well
  8. How do we know that cook couldn’t add weight and Georgia He didn’t need to to be extremely effective in college. His height suggests that he could add the weight. It will be a dilemma if he is there at our pick, we really have not gone all in on a running back yet My preference is to take a wide receiver or a lineman, but you have to be careful not to reach and get a player that ends up being unplayable This is supposed to be a solid draft for running backs in general, though with being able to find them in the later rounds, I would be highly surprised if we did go Bijan Robinson, and I actually hope that he is not there when we pick to make it hard Note, I will end up loving the pic like I always do. That’s the fan in me.
  9. It’s easy to get stats whenever you’re playing young people on your defense the bills had veterans in those spots Anyway, it’s not the Chiefs defense. The reason why that they’re in the Super Bowl and everybody knows that.
  10. I voted for a late round, running back, and I still think we should take one But Perrine and Mosart are intriguing for the price
  11. I just want the one thing that we haven’t had yet But I understand there’s steps to get there
  12. Well, it sounds like you’ve talk to yourself into it Don’t say I didn’t tell you if it happens
  13. McDermott apologist here they are basically cat wranglers If you have a good system, then the offenses and defensive coordinators have autonomy to run their systems which McDermott gives
  14. I don’t know if you noticed, but Aaron Rodgers is starting to get pretty washed up even if he came into the division which is far from finalized there’s no guarantee that he would have success there
  15. Get an offensive weapon in the first round. After that, the rest of the rounds are all fair game for best available player on the of line history has shown that you can find good solid lineman throughout the draft. Just don’t wait till like the fifth round If I was beane I would bring in a consultant, a proven consultant on drafting lineman just spend the extra money and get the extra eyes on it
  16. The QB part is a big if everybody talks about landing a good QB there’s only so many QBs to go around that or even good Drafts of crap shoots, whenever it comes to QBs and even if you find one it’s gonna take years before they’re actually playable any QB that doesn’t fall. This timeline is the exception not the rule. I mean take a look in our own division tua is still a concussion protocol Miami has probably ruined him even if he plays he might be damaged. The Jets have nothing. Brady retired so he’s not coming back into the division the Patriots have someone that they absolutely cannot count on. It’s tough I mean those teams overall have more talent than we do, but our unicorn QB trumps all of that Something else being considered here that nobody is talking about people say that last year‘s draft was a bust or at least I have heard that here. Well, I say that there are teams in last year‘s draft that are just waiting for their turn to shine whenever you have established vets in front of you on a playoff team they’re not gonna get playing time People looked at the Chiefs draft and how well they did on the defensive side of the ball. Well, they had no choice but to play those guys, and even then, overall their defense wasn’t that good it made key plays at opportune moments and was backed up by a unicorn QB, and one of the best lcoaches in the league We will probably win our division again. Next year. My question will be. Did they fix the pass protection and the running game on this team going into the playoffs enough we’re talking about how weather doesn’t matter when there’s snow on the ground you have to be able to run the ball and control the line of scrimmage. You have to be able to get hard first downs and you have to be able to stick with it.
  17. Every season is a new season I got to say, though the negative reaction to a positive post thread some of you need to step away from the keyboard get some fresh air
  18. Tua still in concussion protocol No other QB worth anything on any of those teams And we have to worry about losing the division?
  19. Good job Miami looks like you messed up the first real quarterback you’ve had in forever
  20. Reinforcements are coming through the draft that’s the way we have to do it now
  21. Goddamn, I hate him but I respect him
  22. Well, wouldn’t that be nice for us? But you will never see that happen to pay a franchise QB create parity between the bad teams, and the good teams Bad teams are loaded with salary cap. Space are always load mediocre but payout, huge money to veterans free agents. Good teams are usually tight against the cap have their QB in place and draft well And yes, this means that Brandon bean does draft well not every pic is a superstar, but they end up having to wait their turn because there’s an established vet in front of them on the roster
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