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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. This is where you really need to be careful especially in the first if you draft hamburger in the first it’s not gonna magically become ribeye
  2. The bills do not have roster holes everywhere I swear to ***** God some of the people forgot that they went 13 and three or just choose to not remember
  3. I’m not sure that there is a wide receiver number one in this draft
  4. So fun fact I didn’t know this until I looked it up the other day people that perform at the Super Bowl don’t get paid I’m quite sure they make that money up in other ways and Rihanna is already like a billionaire, but I never realize that they didn’t get paid for the show
  5. You have absolutely no idea whether or not we’re going to sign Edmonds The fact of the matter is we have been signing our own
  6. That was always going to be true, especially once Josh Allen’s contract kicked in
  7. Buckle up because we’re going to see this going into next year and now, even after we win games the people that feel they have the right to everything we’re gonna be crying after wins because they weren’t dominant enough and there’s gonna be more people doing it now because it’s become acceptable It’s unfortunate, but it’s happening
  8. We need to hedge your bets on a offensive line by getting a actual quality, not over the hill, veteran to go along with drafting another offense of lineman, high, and getting another one in the draft I would like to see at least one quality, veteran wide receiver, and one quality, veteran offense of lineman Do you have to be joking with N’Keal Harry what a bust
  9. That is incorrect Tremaine Edmunds, whether you like him or don’t like him is an excellent linebacker There are no superstars in the other pics, but there are competent NFL players if you didn’t have competent NFL players you don’t go 13th at three I don’t care how good your quarterback is Stop trying to downplay his achievements because it doesn’t fit your agenda
  10. I’m going to pre-face this by saying that I think that our general manager overall has done an outstanding job, you don’t stay in the playoffs every year and have 13 and three seasons whenever your GM sucks However I agree with the take of saying one thing, and doing another, whenever it comes to the offensive line It feels like we have done the bare minimum to try to put a confident offensive line on the field, start addressing it the same way that you have been addressing the defensive line but hopefully with better players
  11. I honestly don’t think that Ryan batesis a bad player Saffold used to be a good player. He just got old I would really like to see them over address the position even if they feel like they’ve done a little bit. Too much address of the way you have been addressing the line on the other side of the ball.
  12. You take best player available in some of these pics definitely not with the first pic though
  13. Just go all in on making this offense as good as it possibly can be not just in the passing game let’s build a dominant running game Let’s put a team on the field that could win if Josh Allen wasn’t behind center and then the fact that he is will just make it that much better
  14. But we don’t have the best coach in the league so we should fire the one that we have Am I doing this, right?
  15. lol previous Super Bowl performances we’re done by the likes of Selena Gomez who can’t sing a lick She did fine
  16. If we take a defensive player with the first round pick, I’m going to throw my TV through the window
  17. So I think hurts it’s pretty damn good but neither of the things that you mentioned I would be reasons why he would be better than Josh Allen
  18. The fact that that list is so short for the entire existence of the NFL should really tell you something it’s too bad that it doesn’t
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