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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Over under that NC head is going to explode somewhere in the next election results
  2. Yeah, I hope that doesn’t happen We already did the two rounds of the same position thing and it didn’t work out so great. But if you told me that they took a wide receiver in the first and the third, I’d be OK with that
  3. Stop making me like you
  4. Your reasoning needs more reasoning We’re about to lose our number two receiver Stefon Diggs is not getting any younger and had to drop off in play last year Chances that that number one pic goes to a wide receiver. This year is very good.
  5. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to exchange your phone
  6. Doc It’s a little hard to think otherwise Trump openly warms up to these dictators You don’t have to guess he openly admits it
  7. I don’t wanna lose Ty Johnson I agree with this he’s going to end up costing too much, and we will not be able to give him the carries that he needs in order to be effective
  8. Are people really losing their ***** because he got hurt These guys are people they are allowed to have lives and fun If they can’t perform, that’s on them I see no reason to tear them down over it
  9. I think that’s the plan I don’t see Harty in our future
  10. There’s nothing wrong with this it’s just movies approaching them from a different perspective is common place now
  11. That this was a leader of men is ***** crazy and scary at the same time
  12. They’re just some people that don’t want to see our governing bodies actually work together I actually would like to see that.
  13. If there is a good group still available into the late 20s just stand at the best unavailable according to your scouting staff Hang onto that second rounder or third rounder or whatever it would take to move up
  14. As soon as I heard that he was a jerk to the bills front office lady that was enough for me to not want to see him again
  15. “ we’re gonna do what they say can’t be done”
  16. You’re missing the point Joe Biden is not going to give the Republicans a win at the border. There would be no reason to pass the legislation he would also alienate his own voters if he went super conservative about the border right before an election That bill is an opportunity for a win by both sides, but more win for conservatives because it gives them what they want
  17. It doesn’t parts of it have come out
  18. I actually think Biden is a little slow on this He the Democrats could have been put together a bill like this much sooner The thing is, we would see the same obstructionism from the maga because the border is there talking you take that away from them then what do they have? To be fair, he is not calling all Americans this he is saying that a portion of American voters are low IQ
  19. You’re almost there You’re right there has not been a solution for decades. The Democrats were bending on a solution that bill is the closest Republican win on the border that you will ever see. actual reform it is bipartisan supported But the Republicans have a problem right now the mega portion don’t want legislate they want to try to set things up for Trump in hopes that he gains election
  20. You’re looking at this through conservative eyes If you understood the way that our political system worked and understand that it has to be something in it for everybody, you would understand
  21. Because we live in the world of politics whether there has to be something for both sides in order for something to get past. That’s just the fact of it. The truth is that bill is so conservative dominant but it’s a big win for the right to get that past What you really need to ask yourself is why are the maga Republicans fighting so hard for it not to get past because there are Republicans that support this bill
  22. Pretty sure that that’s in the bill that the Maga Republicans are trying to kill right now
  23. A great act played both dramatic and comedy roles equally as well
  24. The voices are lying to you
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