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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Perhaps it’s just me I didn’t think Orlando Brown looked great last year Kc certainly didn’t want him back
  2. Holy ***** what happened to this thread? We should all be rooting for Connor McGovern to be very good
  3. You could say the fact of the professional way that he handled things with Jordan made him feel like he could come home But that’s how you actually improve your team whenever you are paying a franchise qb Through the draft This is exactly what Kansas City did. A lot of the reinforcements came through the draft, especially on the d
  4. By last team I mean Carolina not Texas I should’ve said that
  5. Absolutely a bright side given the way that it played out. Definitely glad that George is coming back. Would really like to know the financial numbers though
  6. John Just stop and think about this for a minute it’s all about allocation of resources of which we don’t have a lot of a running back and be found even in the later parts of the draft. Why would we waste salary cap space precious salary cap space on a running back I am very concerned about linebacker. I am really hoping they’re looking in that direction. If not, you know exactly where our first round pick is going which I’m not comfortable with.
  7. The drought years were awful Some of us has been around since before the Super Bowl years so we’ve seen it all But that’s just it we remember whenever it was like the bills really were a piss poor franchise ran by a piss, poor management I for one whenever I see people compare them to that group do you get frustrated Brandon been is the best GM we’ve ever had
  8. Josh Allen is veteran it off that I don’t think he needs this anymore
  9. I think he could totally stick around. We could always extend him. Let’s see what he looks like because case didn’t look that great call it an audition year. That sounds you heard was me getting hit with a flying pig you actually said something positive
  10. He won games for his last team is Young. This is actually a guy that could stick around for a little while.
  11. Dude, no that’s not what I’m saying Someone made a post Some people are upset about it I personally think Brandon Beane is an awesome GM, who has done an awesome job as evidenced by the fact that our team has been in the playoffs for so many years we can’t remember whenever it wasn’t some of us unless they’re old as ***** like me We can do a lot worse with the management that we have including coaching
  12. Don’t rule out tight end, either in free agency, or in the draft, which is about to produce some very good ones We tried to do this before last season it just didn’t work out. They really want to run to te sets.
  13. I personally consider it more of a intentionally triggering type of thread just trying to upset people that are already upset
  14. He’s not done he only has so much to work with. He’s being patient. We should also be patient
  15. I’m not more confident im the same amount of confident Why? Because for the most part, this is the same team as last year the one that went 13 and three we didn’t need to bring in superstars. We needed players that fit our system that we could afford and we’re not done.
  16. Quarterbacks go to the Jets to die Rest in peace, Aaron
  17. She always got the she’s one of us treatment for me, even though I don’t agree with most of the stuff she says Looks like she’s still one of us
  18. The last time we treated our first rounder for a wide receiver it turned out pretty well
  19. I think it’s more about the 40 speed, which obviously is very good It’s the start stop explosion, rac ability
  20. Yes, this is what happens whenever you lose a season to turf toe Why are you leaving ***** out of your posts?
  21. Just show me where a bills, truthers put or put words in your mouth They don’t do that they play off the crap that you post
  22. I swear to God, some of these people have voices in their head that tell them things who equivalent of this guy Tyreek Hill
  23. Lol McGovern got what $7 million whenever the going rate for starting guards was 10? If they plan on starting him, they did not overpay
  24. No, it’s really not if they would’ve had another game in the season he would’ve been back
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