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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. how exactly does that fit his profile? You’re just making ***** up now I think that Reisner would fit on this team he’s a good player The question is who sits they like Ryan Bates and it’s not like he’s done anything to take him out of the lineup signed the replacement for saffold Ike B is coming back see what you want but the guy is solid if not spectacular They probably have some guys in the draft that they are high on Making all these determinations just because we haven’t signed anybody yet it’s just ridiculous. Can we please be patient and wait until it all plays out I’m talking about letting it all play out through the draft all of the teeth nashing and handwringing isn’t going to do you any good it’s not going to change the way that the bills are going to do things. We don’t have cap money this year. We don’t wanna be extending every contract on the team to create it. We need to reserve some of those for next year.
  2. This is all not bothering me because I expected and braced for it It would not surprise me to see Brandon Beane work something out in the form of a trade, though The oliver thing is bothering me if management knows that they’re not gonna be able to afford him next year. It’s better to move him now.
  3. Tranquil has the tackle from the Raiders been signed yet?
  4. My dream ends as soon as I see that $11 million cap hit We signed a mighty Smurf. He will fill that role.
  5. You best believe that whoever the physician is that clears him will be an outside physician and not a member of the bill staff
  6. So I hate that I’m saying this, but it needs to be said It’s true we were missing Jones in Vaughan, but they were also missing half of their offense of line We just got beat that’s all
  7. I don’t want him to pull every restructure lever either we need to save some of that for future moves
  8. I would totally do Jj for 27 I don’t believe that there’s a wide receiver in this draft that matches his talent It would keep us from drafting a linebacker at 27 which I don’t want
  9. So the panthers have become the Bears farm team now we have given up that responsibility
  10. I think Brandon is playing the patient game the long game Possibly waiting for a veteran wide receiver to shake loose a Sanders type That ended up being a really good deal for us even though Sanders didn’t maintain his level of play through the whole season, he pushed Gabe Davis and we had four quality wide receivers on the field at all times Let’s keep in mind. The number one is already here. Gabe Davis is an extremely good number three they can find another guy and I believe that they will. I think that our mighty Smurf is the McKitrick replacement.
  11. Sir do you not watch other teams with franchise QBs around the league do you know the ones that wind and sea players coming and going? This is the norm when you live in this world of being a successful franchise
  12. Bobby has actually been pretty good for us I know I had to double check it myself
  13. I mean that’s fan speak and you’re a fan, so I guess that’s OK Would be nice to know what players you think would actually help
  14. Can you add just about 30 million to our cap so that we can do that
  15. I am not sure why anyone would be unsure of the doubt of McKenzie. He has screwed up a lot of plays He’s also made a lot of plays
  16. It’s important to note that Devon did extremely well giving the limited amount of calories that he got and the blocking that was in front of them I just don’t think this is a position where we should be spending money, especially not big money. This is a good draft for running backs nice cost control contracts.
  17. Seeing a lot of mock drafts with no linebacker I think we need to adjust
  18. So as of this moment, they have about 7 million to play with?
  19. I just don’t think that he’s the type of back that the bills are looking for And it’s not that he’s not good he’s just not a pounder James Cook replicates a lot of what he does
  20. I don’t think that’s happening either. I think you will see them on the field at the same time
  21. Perhaps the amount of money that they were talking about at extension time wasn’t agreeable once again I don’t know I’m just spit balling here. It’s really not like Brandon to not resign his own players.
  22. I don’t know this for certain, so I’m really asking did anybody see anything that Edmonds was willing to be extended? Because of his age, he’s going to get two solid contracts
  23. there really is no where to go but up for them
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