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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Definitely a Dark Horse for me. I thought that he flashed some real pass rushing ability.
  2. This is a typical bean move and not a bad one Fill the position with a veteran Don’t pigeonhole yourself Maybe the bills like somebody like Jack Campbell but they just don’t like him at 27 Any time you wait till the second round or you attempt to trade down? There’s always a bit of uncertainty. At least you have a player that you know could start week one at the position people are going to have their own thoughts on how good he actually is and that’s fine
  3. I believe that they had both mckduffie and Elam on the board as first rounders
  4. Captain Jack Campbell in a trade down Wide, receiver, mingo
  5. I think this will be the first time that I have ever agreed with airseven on anything This thread is *****
  6. He may end up being a better back then cook I’m not disputing that What I am saying is given how much the resource is going to be used given what we have done in the off-season, and given the fact that we know that our o line has to improve It’s not a smart allocation of resource. We need to start drafting o linemen with these premium pics and start taking it seriously
  7. I watched it I still feel the same
  8. Trading up for a running back is insane. I don’t care how good he is. If he’s there at 27 and we take him fine
  9. The more time goes on the more I think he won’t even be there for us at 27
  10. I don’t know what would prevent us from taking two wide receivers in this draft I wouldn’t be against it
  11. Settled? I would love to get some more players of this quality that we settle for at other positions Is it any surprised that it ended up being airseven?
  12. It’s not that he’s the same type of back, but possibly better than cook maybe he is It’s that we have that skill set on our team now with cooki we just spent a second round pick on him and frankly he’s been doing pretty damn well There were almost surely be a better player that fits what we’re trying to do on the draft board
  13. Yes, because the pittance that we’re paying poyer would totally cover Buddha salary In the imaginary world that you live in
  14. Even if we don’t go middle linebacker with that first pic I just have a really hard time believing that they’re going to throw all of their eggs in the Benard basket we could still trade for a linebacker with another team
  15. He doesn’t look like a starting mic to me either unless they’re planning on changing up the defense in some kind of way We have seen defenses play with smallish linebackers in the NFL. I’m pretty sure the Tampa Bay buccaneers do this.
  16. You have to put yourself in a position to have a chance to win it And then it comes down to a number of factors Injuries to our team Injuries to the other teams Also matchups with other teams Let’s keep in mind that the Chiefs almost didn’t even make it to the Super Bowl. They came very close to losing in one of the playoff games.
  17. It looks bad right now, but he was a rookie and you can’t really tell anything off the first year
  18. I think Jack Campbell is, I can’t miss prospect In the terms that I think he will be a starter for years to whatever team he goes to
  19. You shop at the flea market when you have a flea market budget
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