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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Here is what I would do at this point....


    Play Mathews.....


    Mathews has NO aspirations of being the starter.....and then you can play Mathews in the 1st and Losman in the 2nd halfs so that he doesn't have the pressure of being the starter.....


    The Bledsoe saga needs to end NOW.....the best way to do that is get him off the field......


    What are we going to do.....LOSE?

  2. I've never looked so forward to a draft...


    The Bills are looking good.  But it pains me to say, Drew needs to move over for JP... 

    I'm not sayng the Bills are out of the hunt...  But next year...  you guys will be flat out dangerous...


    Been thinking about the board and wanted to say hi...  and afford you the opportunity to point and laugh at a Dolphan...






    You are always welcome here Des

  3. Right on the money.


    If I were a betting man, I'd say JP comes in at halftime of the Miami game and makes his first career start versus the Browns on 12/12.  I don't think he comes in earlier than that because he obviously doesn't have his game legs yet, nor the mental preparation.


    That said, watch us win out the last five, finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs by a game or two.




    Actually...it wouldn't suprise me at to see him in the 2nd half of THIS WEEKS GAME......

  4. Actually....you finally ended your string of posts that I agree with...:unsure:


    I absolutely think that we should bring in a veteran QB....just not a expensive one, not one to "play till JPL is ready", BUT it must be somebody that can actually keep the team afloat if JPL gets dinged up.....for a few games or so......


    I mean....HOW BAD must Shane Mathews be to not come into a game where Drew Bledose doesn't throw for 100 yards and 4 int's?

  5. I dont want to even subconciously start crusading..... ;)


    I now understand why patriot fans were saying when they said "Bledsoe will break your heart"


    I was really pissed at the fan for saying it....but now I understand and agree with it.....


    - Bledsoe is extremely durable....and so he doens't get knocked out of a game when he is not playing well (I dont wish injury on the guy but I would really LIKE to know how Mathews would have done in his stead for a couple of games) due to his durability we will never know........


    - Bledsoe will play well in spurts....and just when you think he has turned the corner so as not to hurt the team....BLAM....he rips your heart out like he did on Sunday.......


    I am no longer blinded......I want to see this team go in a different direction.....and the fans that said we should NOT have redone his contract were right......I was wrong

  6. I'm sorry, but some of you are just being ridiculous.  There is no one, NO ONE, the coaches, GM and owner included, who still think Drew Bledsoe "has it."  I guarantee you, people, THEY KNOW.  Donahoe knows.  Mularkey knows.  Those two knew last year, because they (1) drafted his replacement in the first round, and (2) demanded he take a pay cut.  Now, it's not their fault that a fluke injury set back JP's timetable, but those are the cards we've been dealt - it happens.  Had Troy Vincent's sole contribution to our season not been to f' up our prize rookie (fitting, btw, given our D's over-agressiveness, lack of discipline and control - simply, their stupidity), I'm all but certain JP would have started the second half of the Ravens game and every other game since. 


    HOWEVER, at this point, there is nothing worse that MM could do than panic and put JP into a situation in which he's not ready, and which the odds of him failing are significant.  If you look back at the history of rookie QBs, the number one source of their long-term failure has been situations where they were put in before they were ready.  It's killer - it can wreck their confidence and derail their entire career.  Who knows at what point Bledsoe "jumped the shark" and developed happy feet - it may have happened in New England, it may have been last year's game in Miami - but God forbid that happen to Losman at this stage in his career.  Look, the season is over.  Losman will start the last 3-4 games, guaranteed, and it likely won't be pretty to watch.  There is NO POINT, after one week of practice and 4 plays, for this coaching staff to annoint him the Savior of the Season, which would almost guarantee his failure.  No point.  You people need to understand that - I want to win now as much as any of you, but the long-term health of this franchise suggests some patience.




    We do have a backup QB..... ;)

  7. Play him before he is ready and he gets hurt, or he messes up and blows his and everyone's confidence, or he develops ingrained bad habits through bad mechanics.

    Do you think he should play before he is ready? 


    Do you know something none of the rest of know about his medical condition. his mechanics, or that he is prepared to lead, suceed, or at least be effective despite the failures all rookies have and the good one's learn from?


    I don't think you have more than wishful hopes on these issues and a misguided "knowledge that because playing is a necessary and essential part of learning to be a productive QB that for some reason it is the ONLY thing you need to focus on to be a productive NFL QB.


    As best as I can tell the keys for Losman remain:


    1. He needs to show that his injury recovers well from the normal NFL pounding/

    2. He needs to demonstrate that he understands the game approaching the level of a ver rather than as a rookie thrown to the wolves/

    3. He needs to have overcome mechanical issues shown in his college highlights BEFORE he can build good chemistry and become a productive pro.


    Do you have any objective indications on any of these three areas beyond the fantsy wishes of all of Bills fans who want to see him start and suceed yesterday.




    Sunny...once again I say....


    - The first two things he cannot show until he actually gets out there....


    - The last he will not show this year....because it is going to take a while to fix his mechanics...and the bills CANNOT AFFORD TO WAIT while we flounder and have a 1st round draft pick sitting on the bench....you cannot do that in todays NFL


    Sitting him after he is healthy is doing nothing but slowing his learning curve.....this needs to become HIS team

  8. Parcells "genius" days are long gone. The Cowboys look more pathetic than the Bills.


    The whole #1 Draft Pick argument has been repeated ad nauseum. We needed a QB to replace DB and he is already here. Bills need to target some PROVEN NFL PLAYERS in March Free Agency. Trade Henry and get another pick on draft day ( maybe a third rounder ) and concentrate on improving the roster.



    Actually....I think you hit on something there....


    If I remember correctly...when taking JP Losman they bills basically said something about "we took a QB a year early so he would have a year of experience"


    or something to that effect.....


    So why dont we follow that plan and PLAY him.....

  9. Granted JP can wait a few weeks, no big deal I guess...


    But as far as Big-Ben-its or whatever it is, I think you have to make the assumtion that JP is not as good as Big Ben if you don't insert him now...And there is only one way to find out, and that's by playing JP. The Pittsburgh Coaches have done a tremendous job in getting Big Ben ready, maybe our Staff is not up to that challenge, who knows? But I just cannot stand this idea of protecting JP like he's some sort of fragile China Doll...He's a QB, he's been drafted into the NFL, put the Kid out there and see what kind of ability he has when given all the Reps, Game Plan, etc...Does anyone believe there was a single person in the Pittsburgh Organization who felt Ben would be this good, this early? Of coarse not...Maybe the Bills are in for a pleasant surprise like that, maybe not, but there's only one way to find out...


    The Kids not a Ballarina, he's a QB...If playing hurts his development than I question immediately whether or not he's the QB of the future. I know for certain if you ask JP he'll say he wants to play now. That's the type of QB he is, and I think that type of personality needs to get in the Game, take his lumps like a Man, and learn on the Field not off... B)



    If JP Losman is not HEALTHY....then all of this is a moot point....


    But if he is.....then he should be getting the practice reps....and getting the playing time.....


    It really is that simple....I want JP to have some experience when he comes in next year....you dont want him to have to get it STARTING next year....that would be a mistake.....

  10. For everyone who defended the decision to keep Drew in the offseason and cite his yards, his productivity, his golden arm, his two Super Bowl appearances, that overrated performance in the 2002 playoffs against Pittsburgh – it is now time to admit that you were wrong. He doesn’t have in his soul what it takes to lead a team to the promised land.


    Look at last night from Drew’s perspective. He’s coming into Foxboro – a place where he spent 9 years. He’s playing at a stadium that he arguably helped build. He’s playing against the coach and the team that benched him. There was a chance during Super Bowl week in 2002 that he might play over a slightly hobbled Brady in the biggest game of them all, and Drew was relegated to the bench.


    Imagine if that happened to you at your job, and some younger person was chosen to make a big presentation in your stead. Would you not be extra prepared and extra focused if you got a chance to redeem yourself or compete against that person at some point in the future? Would you not put your heart and soul into proving to everyone that they made a big mistake passing you over?


    Last night Drew was lethargic, slow, easily fooled by coverages. He looked underprepared and sluggish. His play action was dreadful. His mechanics were out of whack. Most critically, his body language and persona oozed defeat. He looked beaten from the time the game started, and clearly he had the look of a man who was in over his head as he stood on the sideline after being benched. He’s a loser.


    Restructuring Drew in the offseason and extending the time period of the Bills’ financial commitment to him was the keystone mistake among many that should cost Donahoe his job. If he couldn’t figure out in two years being around a high profile guy like Drew that he doesn’t have it, then he has no chance to hit on enough of the other 52 guys to get the Bills’ back into the playoffs.




    I was for it at the time and I do not think it was wrong......but I admitted several weeks back that it is the wrong choice now.....

  11. Willis McGahee?


    Did anyone else see that little bastard pick up the blitz on a handful of occasions where if Henry was in there Bledsoe would have been dead? I only recall once where he messed up notably, and he still gave Bledsoe enough time to get away (McGahee let the guy by, the guy - sorry don't remember which lineman - grabbed Bledsoe with one hand, but McGahee was blocking just enough to let Drew get away).  I think this is his second best feature (besides being able to make 4 yards out of a 1 yard gain.


    Last night was NOT his best effort (obviously), but how can you not be excited about this kid? (and sadly, I can say kid because he is frigging younger than me! :P )




    Been saying it for a while actually......

  12. I disagree totally.  ON THE FIELD play MUST be one of thing a young QB gets, but it is far from the ONLY wau he needs to develop.


    JP needs:


    1. On the field play- in order to play at NFL speed against NFL opponents and to see the opposing defenses set up in game situations.

    2. To watch a lot of tape- in ADDITION to on the field play he will learn to be an NFL QB by bwecoming a student of the game and learning what opposing defense will throw at him and how to exploit it.  Some folks are students of the game like Peyton Manning all their life and come in with a good dose of this knowledge. Most players are are not Peyton Manning and need to gain cntrol of the intellectual aspects of the game in conjunction with or before they can contribute and learn on the field.

    3. Read and memorize the playbook- same as above.

    4. Make sure he has mechanics down- On of the good learning opportunities in yesterday's game was when ESPN focused on Bledsoe's dreadful mechanics when he was throwing flat-footed and how it was impossible for him to throw effective passes that way.  NFL Ds are too good for a QB not to use everything in his power to put him in the best position to do his job.  Whether it is Bledsoe's flat-footedness or JPs throwing off balance or off the wrong foot as he ran for his life at Tukane, his mechanics need to be perfected before he is thrown to the wolves.


    I think JP should play, BUT WHEN HE IS READY.  For some like Vick it was in mop-p duty his first season, for some like Pennington it was after 5 games or so his second season, for some like Brady it was after Bledsoe got creamed in his second season, for some like Manning and Roethensbergesqyewhatever in Pittsburgh it as right away.


    JP should merely mop-up until he is ready.


    Start matthews if he provides better practice for the team than Bledsoe but do not turn JP into Todd Collins.




    - So Losman cannot read a playbook while his nursing his leg back to health?


    - His mechanics are going to take some time.....MORE then just this year....so what are we going to do...play him 2 years from now.....


    Losman was NOT a 3rd round pick QB that you bring along for a few years and then decide to play him.....he is a FIRST ROUND PICK......we do not have the luxery of the teams that picked Manning and Rivers. They have QB's playing in front of them that are producing......If Breez was struggling this year do you really think Rivers would still be on the bench.......


    Our starting QB is FLOUNDERING.....in a simplified offense where we run the ball more then we pass........


    As long as Losman is truly healthy....he should be out there......

  13. Reps  , smeps, he is supposed to be a football player ,suck it up and do the job.He will be another failed experiment.



    THe thing is...IF he is healthy...I really dont see any further reason to NOT have him out on the field and taking starters reps.....


    The offense has been dummied down just so Bledsoe can run it.....it isn't like Bledsoe is winning games for us....he is simply "facilitating" the offense.....


    What are we going to do....wait until next year to develop him? You dont get that luxery in the NFL......

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