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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I don’t think you can compare them the same because they do different things for your team McKenzie was a big play guy at times who was underwhelming most of the time Sherfield is a blocking wide receiver. He’s got good size appears to have good hands is not slow. He played behind two very good wide, receivers in Miami, and was considered their third wide receiver I’m not saying he’s going to have 1000 yards or anything but whenever you see one of our running backs go for a huge run, don’t be surprised if it was a Sherfield it was blocking for it
  2. Have any of the main veteran defensive ends, signed with other teams yet? Just keeping an eye on whether or not we’re going to get a Melvin Ingram, or a Justin Houston type
  3. Why would he come here whenever we have Sam Martin, an excellent punter under contract The bills punt God situation has sailed. Someone will give him a chance in the NFL. He has too much talent.
  4. Shorter is all based on promise, but the promise is a legitimately awesome player
  5. There is a true number one receiver on this team with diggs well over 1000 yards every year The wide receiver that we’re all trying to replace was at 800 yards Dalton Kincaid was considered the best pure pass catcher out of this draft and then included wide receivers Shakur showed promise towards the end of last season Trent Sherfield was good enough to be the third receiver on a talented Miami Dolphins squad The rest of these guys are lottery tickets with high upside
  6. With all the money, this guy has, you would think that he would just set himself up in a situation where he either wouldn’t do anything stupid, or if he did stupid things there would be a way to cover it up
  7. I mean, all of the elements are there Unicorn QB throwing him in the ball First round picks so you have to use him Enough talent around him. The teams won’t be able to focus on him specifically.
  8. Somewhere out there I am envisioning Gabe Davis’s mom throwing tennis balls at him everywhere he goes
  9. I’m not sure why she would follow through with a civil suit, whenever there are prosecutors saying that he wasn’t there what would the grounds of that civil suit be? I’m just glad that he didn’t do it hoping that I get some semblance of his life back
  10. What is he going to sue them for re The bills or under no obligation to keep him on the team whenever they draft him, they can cut him for any reason
  11. The bills got lucky with Martin. He got cut from his team inexplicably because he was such a good player and the bill swooped in.
  12. So yes, what you say is true, however, rape does happen on these campuses and in these frat houses Mostly goes unreported As the evidence comes out, I hope that he can get his career back
  13. I am wondering if the bills think that Robert Edwards might have some tackle flex
  14. I’ve been the thought that he can’t block better than Isaiah McKenzie or Cole Beasley. It’s just kind of stupid. He literally can just put the 250 pound body in the way of somebody and he is blocking better than those guys did If you compare his blocking to a blocking tight in probably subpar, but but we really should be comparing it to is a slot receiver
  15. To be clear, I don’t want Josh to change who he is the threat of him running out of the pocket when nobody is open as part of his game. But these designed runs the ones where they plan to run him. These need to stop put players around him to carry this load.
  16. I was on my Air Force tug-of-war team in basic training we took second place that cycle There’s definitely a technique to it couple of times they would’ve been disqualified if they were actually following rules because you’re not supposed to let go of the rope ever until the whistle sounds that the match is over
  17. We do, don’t we? Edit, never mind I see that he did the 40 divert and the long jump but that’s it
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