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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I am an independent I am an avid Trump hater But I’m not a big fan of Joe either and it’s mostly because I think he’s gonna fall asleep at the podium. Every time he comes out to give a speech he’s just really old. I would actually vote for a conservative, as long as I didn’t think that he was going to take his moral values and push them off on me, but was good at governing We haven’t really had that in the past two presidents
  2. Racism does exist I just don’t think that hiring processes are a good example of it in our effort to have so much diversity and inclusion. I do feel that some people get shorted and by that I mean whites But if I have to sit there and watch some Cow town, sheriff and City Hall, talking about digging graves, and how things used to be with lynchings, you can’t tell me that racism does not exist
  3. It looks to me like they were steps missing nothing that they can criminally charge on or else they’d be doing it But overthrowing the presidency do you really want to go there after January 6?
  4. I’m just kind of surprised that the Republicans would take such a big chunk out of the veterans whom they claim to support Myself being a veteran cutting anything regarding Veterans out of the budget sucks can we just not make a couple more missiles and tanks? I realize it’s not as simple as that, but the military industrial complex does gouge the ***** out of the budget and I know this because I used to buy stuff
  5. Come on Quinnen hold out they don’t respect you at all🤓
  6. So I hate that bado is right on this When you have to turn around and bring in vets that you have clearly moved on from at the 3/4 mark of the season and actually give them meaningful reps then you’ve done something wrong
  7. God takes some of his best angels early
  8. I’m willing to give him a chance and training camp I don’t know about you guys
  9. It Hass to be Spencer Brown The bills are showing that they believe in him, but if he takes another season, I think that will be it
  10. Strange that you would post this at this time of the year With the exception of a Veteran rush defender, the bills are done addressing needs We have to look at our roster. That’s what we’ve got after free agency and draft.
  11. Throw those out there saying that Kelsey is bigger than Kincaid We’re talking about 5 to 10 pounds here and they do not use him to block in Kansas City. He’s out there running routes and catching passes creating mismatches totally the way that Kincaid will be used for the bills
  12. Keep in mind that he has done no spring work because of that back issue it’s just gonna get better from here
  13. The bills gave Josh Allen one of the best thing you can do for a blitz beater, they gave him a legitimate, pass, catching tight end
  14. This only gets a C There should always be some females in anime
  15. I love that Miami Hass to come to us earlier in the year and we played them at the end of the year whenever the temperatures die down That favors us
  16. Kincaid is holding out. What a prima donna. Did you see him pick up that Bill’s helmet? I think he wanted to hump that thing
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