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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. First of all, I’m not making a statement I’m asking you a question Your right wingers are so pissy. Someone comes to you with a question, and you answer it with aggression. Deep breath, sir.
  2. It’s actually a pretty good question. It is my hope that jobs have been delegated down to people that know what they’re doing whenever it comes to military matters. I’m hoping that Joe Biden is pushing the decisions to these things more to the military heads, who understand more than anyone we don’t want nukes being touched. One thing I can tell you, I would never want Donald Trump to have his hands on the nuclear football ever again too volatile
  3. I hear what you’re saying, but without actual proof, we’re just spreading conspiracies, and we’re no better than the people that do that when we start spreading things that we don’t have concrete evidence There are enough bull#### things that Trump has done that are easily identifiable and provable
  4. There is literally no evidence of this to be true not even Durham. I had the balls to even insinuate this in his report.
  5. And here I thought this was a comedy rag people don’t really consider this journalism do they Funny, yes Journalism no
  6. So frustrating I know, but the fact is it wasn’t proven Mueller’s report didn’t come away, proving anything with charges being brought Much the same way Durham failed just like the Mueller report. The Durham report insinuates a lot, but there’s nothing there that’s criminally chargeable
  7. I just like his spirit and his attitude Nothing given Everything earne Was part of a team that went from winning two games in a season to only losing two games in a season and he was a big part of it
  8. I think the major networks should not be trusted. They are either the talking voice of either the left, or the right with no in between. Majority of my news I get from Kyle Kulinski, who is left but calls balls and strike It’s pretty much a given that he’s going to point out problems on the right, but he will call bull#### on the left to
  9. Being a prick is just one of the features of Donald Trump It’s like people are saying well. Yeah he’s a prick but he is my prick. Donald Trump has literally done nothing for you. Literally he ran a campaign based on hate and fear. The majority of this country didn’t vote for Joe Biden because he was this awesome president. They voted for him because he’s not Donald Trump. That’s why I’m saying if the conservatives could put out a better candidate, I would consider him especially over old Joe.
  10. Are you insinuating that white people can’t get acting roles in Hollywood? Just wanna make sure if that’s what you’re saying.
  11. Joe Biden is old and losing his ***** worse with each passing day. We should be able to do better. But you’re gonna have to show me where he’s corrupt I mean actual proof
  12. So for some reason, I’m OK with that
  13. OK you lost me not that hard to do sometimes What did he say exactly that was wrong
  14. So if your argument here is that during the pandemic, kids were not getting a good education as if they were in person I agree with you. I saw it at the University level I work in programs that do hands-on research with my PhD‘s and masters students in certain programs most programs actually, and they were not able to do that while the schools were down for Covid A bad situation, but my question to that is how shouldn’t have been handled differently not knowing what we know now, but the bit that we didn’t know back then the leaders of the country have a responsibility to try to keep people safe
  15. This guy now holds a historic achievement. He has literally been fired from every net work.
  16. OK can you explain how they are dumbing down education and high schools? I’m genuinely curious my kids have been out of school for a while and I don’t recruit at the high school level
  17. Saying that a president is a traitor is a big implication I don’t take that lightly at all But being a president means being a leader, and not a leader of a few people, but of everyone Truth be told the people that hold Donald Trump in such high regard. Don’t realize that he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. He doesn’t deserve the admiration that he gets from some of you. Once again I have no problem with a conservative president. There are things that I agree with on the conservative side of the aisle. But can we have one that’s not a total crook? Not really looks pretty well spelled out
  18. I am an advisor at a university for PhD and masters students in four different programs Could you please explain how they’re trying to lower education standards?
  19. Donald Trump did a fine job by himself of tearing up his presidency. The twice indicted president did not get indicted because he was a traitor because the Mueller report didn’t have enough information for that. He did plenty of other things. It looks to me like the FBI made a procedural error. They should have done a preliminary investigation before they went into a full on investigation. At the end of the day, if there is a way to criminally charge anybody, you better believe the Republicans would be doing it
  20. To me, it makes him twice as bad. He’s telling you a lie, and he’s gonna back that lie no matter what. There will be people that believe it, and there will be people that don’t and the people that don’t create an alternate reality where the law doesn’t mean anything where you don’t need evidence in order to prosecute This whole Durham thing is a prime example of that there is not one shred of evidence of anything that can be charged in that report just like the Mueller report as frustrating as that was so there’s a little bit of red meat to both sides but not an ounce of proof that anybody actually did anything criminally wrong
  21. I think that it’s OK to raise questions about elections. If you don’t think that they’re fair it’s not like we haven’t seen it done over the years but once again I point out that Donald Trump is the ***** devil he takes what people have done in the past, and he puts it on cocaine, and then spins the wheel Instead of doing what was best for the country after he lost the election, he got his people even more riled up and January 6 happened there really is no other way around it. This is the way that it went.
  22. I am a documented Trump hater But Let’s be honest, both sides do this why do you think that Biden was working so hard to get free college for students old enough to vote some of it might be ideological and I personally think it’s a great thing because predatory loan suck but you could say that Biden did that in order to garner the young vote This is not to say that Trump isn’t crooked as *****. One of my favorite comedians David Chappelle, did a bit where he called Donald Trump an honest liar I think that’s spot on. He tells you exactly who he is.
  23. That’s interesting I think that it happened because you had a president that was saying that the last election was rigged and it’s still saying it If anybody is gaslighting, it’s Trump doing it to his own people It’s going to be interesting to see how it turns out if Donald Trump keeps on telling his people that elections are not fair, they may not come out to vote
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