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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Jerry Ostrosky loves him, knows the kid has seen him play against his own son in college
  2. I would hope that Dawson is bigger. He’s going to be the in-line, tight end. Dorian Williams is going to win that middle linebacker job. He is a heat seeking missile.
  3. We got the old version of Roger Saffold, who once upon a Time was a pretty good player I’m just glad that the bills made the investment in Ocyrus that is an investment that is going to pay dividends quick
  4. That’s kind of where I sit with him It’s not that he’s a bad player he’s just not a number two not a legitimate number two in the mold of what the Bengals have for instance In past years, we always brought in a veteran guy that was good enough to take pressure off of Davis this last year we made Davis the focus and it didn’t work out. I am always wary of guys that are in their contract year because they are going to ball out to get that money whenever it comes to contract negotiations.
  5. In real life, Josh Allen is Miami’s daddy
  6. We’ve got some talents sitting right on our team that is being highly underutilized Kingsley Jonathan give him more burn
  7. I think we’re beating the bucks, but I think we’re losing to the Eagles
  8. Rainbow bridge man Rainbow bridge
  9. Drafting a quarterback in the third, or the fourth round is definitely the definition of a luxury pick Are we really in that situation?
  10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_Smoking_Man still living, according to wiki
  11. Let’s face it, Tremaine Edmunds was a freak of nature, physically wise And while I think Edmunds is a good player, he doesn’t hit like a 245 pound linebacker never did Dorian Williams is not small by NFL standards and what doesn’t get talked about enough is those freakishly long arms of his
  12. I heard it That’s why I was just mouth agape as I watched Zay Jones fumble everything
  13. Don’t you think 230 pounds is kind of heavy for a safety
  14. At the time that Zelenskyy was being asked, if there was a quid pro quo, Trump was president. You honestly expect someone in the middle of a military conflict to bite off their own hand by pissing Donald Trump off? There is no defending the conviction on the sexual battery. They literally had to force Donald Trump to stay off the stand so that he didn’t make it worse. Thank you for the Tara Reid name. I will look that up.
  15. Joe Biden was considered the odds on favorite for the Democratic nomination at the time that he was trying to do whatever he was trying to do to get Ukraine to go to a mic and say that there was some kind of corruption with the Biden family and he was holding stinger missiles Hostage over it this is all documented. There’s actual audio evidence. Haven’t heard about Joe Biden being accused of rape I’ll have to try to look that one up we do know for a fact that the former president was found liable for sexual battery. That means it actually went through a court system. Donald Trump was not a good president I’m trying to figure out what thing he might have done to even make you think that is it the wall that he didn’t finish that he said Mexico was going to pay for etc. etc.
  16. Crystal ball and Kyle Kulinski just got married and off their honeymoon, so yeah I’m dialed into them
  17. Just let me know when the charges will be brought How about when evidence is not presented that goes along with your beliefs, so you start doing serious, mental gymnastics trying to twist it The Durham report turned up basically nothing if they don’t have something to be able to charge anybody on it’s nothing
  18. Whenever the Mueller report didn’t come out with anything to actually be able to charge him or indict him I kind of moved on from it didn’t like them, but the Mueller report took years in the making, and he didn’t convict him if anything That’s when Donald Trump decided to double down on the ***** that he was doing holding up those missiles from Ukraine trying to get dirt on his political opponent. He’s on tape for that that’s not a conspiracy theory real Patriots brought this to the attention of people that need to know about it. Even then I wasn’t calling him a traitor, because in my world that’s a big thing I’m a military guy whenever you call somebody a traitor that penalty should be life in prison or death, so I’m not quick on the trigger with words like that The Ukraine thing January 6 accused of sexual battery at what point does it become too much for you people And I don’t paint all conservatives in this life I just hate Donald Trump. He’s a horrible person. He was a horrible president and I just want him to ***** go away. Give me a Republican or I don’t agree with most of the time, but has moral values and decency. I would look at them.
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