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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Can someone explain to me if I have to sign up for the YouTube TV at 78 whatever dollars a month in order to sign up for the NFL Sunday ticket or do I have to do both?
  2. To be clear I am definitely not against getting DeAndre Hopkins if we can make it work It will probably mean no veteran edge defender from the pool that are still out there but I was all about making this office. The best that it can be over improving Defense anyway.
  3. Mine don’t change much But I think that is because I was around when this team was bad. And I was here for the four Super Bowl losses. That void still sticks with me I remember free agents not wanting to come here. I remember free agents giving interviews after meeting with bills management and they just had this look on his face like where is the nearest plane right out of here Because that sticks with me, I give this new bills management and coaching a lot of slack. People are always talking about how things could be better. Well, I think about how things could be far far worse.
  4. I’m trying to remember when digs as ever missed a game for the Buffalo Bills. There might be one in there or some thing I just don’t remember it.
  5. True, but our current third tide end is exactly what Kincaid is. Hopefully a lesser version of Kincaid. If they go with three tight ends, I don’t think he’s the guy
  6. I agree with this reinforcements for the defense are going to have to come through the draft. We are going to need guys like say Dorian Williams to hit.
  7. Still, we are in a position where we can pull some levers and make this happen I would like to see a Super Bowl win before I die
  8. Anybody really said bean is beyond criticism As a whole, he has been outstanding that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t had some flub ups along the way
  9. I hate them Josh Allen is a great dual threat QB but there comes a time when this organization needs to get smart and only having Josh run as a last resort Our quarterback should not be our top rusher
  10. So you’re picking and choosing the comments that you want to choose from
  11. I look at it as if the bills were interested in him back when he would’ve cost of the draft pick for the draft pick is too high and they definitely should be interested now that they don’t have to give up the draft pick Beane wanted him at one point they waited them out so he should still be interested
  12. so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to start
  13. Lol Haley Signfield and my daughter were up for the same part long time ago Haley ended up getting it
  14. I would definitely not be against this if we could make it work Is trading Ed Oliver still a possibility not to get D’Andre that he is a free agent, but to free up the space
  15. I absolutely do not get the Arizona Cardinals They could’ve at least gotten a later round draft pick for him. They fart around get nothing and then they release him and get nothing.
  16. I thought of something that could never ever hurt me It’s the state puff marshmallow man
  17. His nickname is Tarzan I just thought that was pretty funny because that’s exactly what the animated character looks like huge shoulders, long arms
  18. I really don’t think that you can discount seasons Having said that, he’s put enough positive film on tape that I’m pretty excited about him I’m tired of the talk about how we can’t play in our own stadium whenever it gets cold Smash Mouth running game would help that
  19. Some of those sumo wrestlers are quite mobile. I often wonder why we don’t get more of them into jerseys. I guess my whole problem with this is just the optics. There was a video of Dion for the off-season that show that he was very into a boxing workout. His physique does not match what he says that he does in the off-season. I don’t want him showing up to 190 pounds or whatever but every year he appears to get a little more wide he looks like a guard
  20. Which is a good thing I don’t wanna get shamed all the time
  21. He looks like a snowman a big fat snowman Come on Dion
  22. Are all of those older veteran defensive ends still available on the market?
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