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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I’m not positive that he can make the transition to safety seems a little on the small side
  2. To me, it’s all about whether or not he’s going to be in our future plans Is Elam going to be one of those guys in his last year of contract that breaks out?
  3. That’s why we should bite the bullet and just draft a back up quarterback it would be cheaper
  4. Me wide receiver Bean, I don’t know I think that people that want other positions are really not thinking it through about just how important a good wide receiver pic would be diggs Is not getting any younger, and frankly did not have very good second-half season last year We mostly assured they are going to lose Gabe Davis We were forced to use Trent Sherfield way too much and harty was a real disappointment If we had wide receivers, that could actually catch a ball that’s being thrown to them we might not have lost that Kansas City game. I counted 3 Big Pl. that were dropped.
  5. I always thought that all lives matter was a really good slogan The problem is who is saying it because what they really mean is my life matters they don’t necessarily mean that yours does
  6. That was the most hilarious video I ever saw. I was expecting the wife to accidentally shoot him in the head.
  7. I am curious where you think that the United States is in the wrong in the whole Ukraine thing If NATO does not intervene Ukraine is invaded and taken over putting Russia right on NATO’s doorstep
  8. As a white man in America, I have never felt more persecuted Am I doing this, right?
  9. First of all, what is Fanny actually supposed to be guilty of? State the crime I did not say that Trump was guilty. I said that Trump is the one that is on trial, and that the evidence will be presented there and not out in the court of public opinion. Much in the way that Trump came out and blustered in the New York case, and he and his attorney lost every step of the way in court, then came out and claimed victory, even though he’s paying through the ear it all depends on what happens in court not in Trump’s tweets
  10. It’s a horrible opinion that these things don’t matter in a court of law? I suggest learning how the law works
  11. 12 billion seemed low to me But the provisions of the bill were the most conservative in a long, long time let’s keep in mind we don’t have a Covid designation anymore to be able to shut down the border like trumpet and yes, people like the sound off and say that Trump shut down the border blah blah blah he had protections in place that allowed him to do that they are now gone. Biden doesn’t have them to work with, this would’ve given the president. Any president be able to shut down the border, if border encounters became too high. But it doesn’t really matter. Trump wants this issue so he can run on it. He put a call into his minions to kill it.
  12. Last year‘s draft gave me hope A te in in the first round The guard in the second First two pics went towards offense
  13. That is absolutely not true A lawyer for instance will bring in a specialist in the field and go by their findings. A lawyer on their own is not going to make that kind of determination with any kind of merit
  14. McDermott the coach for this year I’m not really looking past that right now
  15. If you had read the report which I really encourage you to do because every time you post, you can see that you didn’t read the report Biden has already said that he did not know about the documents. His staff handled them and he thought that it was taken care of. It’s in the report. There is no there willful would be what Trump did, which is actually worse. He knew that he had the documents refused to give them up, move them whenever they came to get them, and still hung onto them. There might even be more that comes out of the trial.
  16. I’m saying that too much too far to one side is never a good thing
  17. I don’t absolutely hate it
  18. So, when nothing becomes of this, the trial proceeds as planned, and the actual evidence is presented on Trump. Is this going to turn into one of those other snowflake meltdowns you guys keep having Because literally none of this ***** matters it’s about Trump and whether or not, he actually committed the crimes he has been accused of that is all that matter in a court of law
  19. Are you aware of the amount of cactus that it would be if we cut Von Miller? If we do this, how do we get under the 50 million over the cap we are currently I think Von Miller is on this team next year and they expect him to contribute right or wrong The easy is not so easy because he’s injured. You can’t cut an injured player. It immediately goes onto your cap.
  20. What fan favorite are we hanging onto that? You might be referring to in your mind
  21. Yeah, that’s not a thing And Before you say Demar Hamlin, that’s an NFL perception thing not a fan-based thing
  22. I think if you put some truth serum into Donald Trump, that actually worked he would tell you that he would much rather be allies with Russia than he would with the allies that he has right now Why in the world would Putin attack Ukraine with Donald Trump in office? He’s got the perfect guy sitting in the position to make sure he gets what he wants talking about. Pulling out of NATO. ***** #######.
  23. Tucker Carlson Putin’s mouthpiece And the conservatives are lapping it up You obviously did not listen to the whole interview You might as well put the word B word across Tucker, Carlson‘s forehead And then, of course, he brought those talking points home to spread out to all of you
  24. Gas is down where I’m living So our eggs
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