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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I think you might be thinking of Yannick Ngakoue Our new addition is a very solid all-around player Miami’s running game was already very good so this isn’t anything that puts them over the top Their weakness is the same one that they are not able to address the fact that their quarterback is taking on concussions at an alarming rate
  2. Yeah, there are many reasons why whenever police stop a car they can go into the car and search it with her without your permission if something is done illegally that is handled in court on the back end, but it doesn’t stop the police from doing it at the time
  3. Let me preface this by giving my experience in this area although it was over 20 years ago. I’m quite sure that the procedures have not changed that much. I am a former Air Force sergeant who served 10 years, the majority of that time, working in military intelligence in the performance of my duties. I carried a top-secret SCI clearance and worked with classified documents on a daily basis cannot specify what is in those documents or what I did in the. Performance of my duties only that I carried the clearance and work with the documents. Let me also say that in my opinion, I don’t think that any president or elected official should be having classified documents anywhere either a approved security area that means I don’t agree with Biden having them I don’t agree with Trump having them I don’t agree with Pence having them I don’t agree with anybody having them stored in the way that they were there are many reasons for this, but I will just give an example you cannot mix classified documents without cover sheets because you run the risk of mixing unclassified or confidential documents with top-secret or top-secret SCI documents that would be very bad Let me also say that as an Air Force enlisted man had anyone in the military done what Biden or Donald Trump have done we would be short ordered article 15 and sent to military prison. It’s a serious that as it gets The argument that is being made here is that the documents were asked to be brought back, and Trump didn’t do it. Let me also say that Donald Trump cannot just waive his magical hand and unclassified documents. There is a reason for this because classified documents have to be accounted for so that they don’t end up in the wrong hands and by the way, I am not insinuating that Donald Trump use those documents for personal benefit because I have seen no proof of that and I don’t want to go down the conspiracy theory route so let’s just assume that he took them and kept them because he wanted to When the government asks for documents back, you give the documents back it’s a simple as that you don’t get to keep them because you think it’s your right because you were a president or whatever to ask for them back means that the government does not consider them unclassified, and there is a legitimate threat risk If anybody has any legitimate questions about how classified documents are handled, I will do my best to answer them I cannot give specifics on any particular documents as I have signed a nondisclosure agreement
  4. Beat the Chiefs last year never had the opportunity to lose to them in the playoffs The Cincinnati game is just an excusable
  5. If he works out, restructure his deal and keep him here
  6. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had like 15 draft picks every year several first would also be nice
  7. I think I just took Elam a while because he is so used to being oppressed man corner and is switching over to a zone It never hurts to keep putting talent in the room
  8. A reliable over the middle target would open things up for the outside receivers Enter Dalton Kincaid
  9. He doesn’t show up for mandatory minicamp then I will start to worry Until then, this is a complete nothing burger
  10. I think it’s fair to say that he didn’t want to trade the pick, but the player was just too good to pass up
  11. Being able to run the ball would’ve definitely helped us in that cinci game Let’s not forget that he was very late to come around on Josh Allen
  12. The thing is, I would expect a tightend to look even better whenever the pads come on and allowed to use the physicality Let’s keep in mind here we’re not talking about some frail wide receiver
  13. Beane is willing to trade pics to get who wants I actually don’t have a problem with that But this is also the first year where we will get a comp pic, so I almost feel like he’s working the system a little bit differently He was very careful to bring in players that wouldn’t mess with the comp pic formula
  14. That’s not how this works They were third in the league in offense
  15. I think this is a little bit harsh We had Hines for part of the season last year in what has been reported to be a very complicated office. Maybe we give him a training camp before we make any valuation on this?
  16. Yeah, honey is a great energy source. Unfortunately us diabetics can’t use it.
  17. If they get this offensive line, worked out and actually start using the running game a little bit this team is going to take another step
  18. Sign me up for Evans I just don’t know why the bucs would do that
  19. Exactly I still think that there is an extension for DaQuan Jones on the way. He played way too well last year in order not to do that.
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