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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Yep, that’s what I was thinking of the NASCAR defense
  2. Yer we were top-five in offense and top-five in defense Still, they had a roadblock whenever they got into the playoffs
  3. This question has been brought up and I answered it It is my understanding that there was a group of countries and not just the United States. That was doing this exact same thing, because they wanted this prosecutor investigated, and when the investigation concluded, the prosecutor was fired because he was in fact, corrupt This is quite different than say a president who held stinger missiles ransom to a country like Ukraine, trying to fit Russia off its borders because he wanted his political opponent Smeared
  4. It’s a shame that Mr. Davis doesn’t understand what the espionage act is and how it pertains to classified documents For those of us that do know we see right through this
  5. I’m assuming that you mean in the playoffs because we were 13 and three in the regular season? The Bengals were/are a bad matchup for us
  6. Because Trump is too stupid not to either tell on himself, or leave some kind of audio or video of something to show that he ***** up Keep in mind most of the things that are being done here. Trump is his own worst enemy. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is either too old with dementia, or a smart, conniving crook, depending on the situation
  7. As I have said, before, I am against wrongdoing by any party But this is not evidence you know that it’s not evidence there are a lot of allegations I’m always willing to listen they say they’ve got some thing coming up and they say they can prove it let’s see because so far they haven’t
  8. I feel like they definitely have an up-and-coming team And I think we would’ve beaten the socks off them last year in the playoffs
  9. OK I’ll play game so next week we can expect to see some hard evidence that Joe Biden actually did some thing Not an accusation Not a secondhand reference Not a witness that supposedly can’t be found whenever it’s time to actually testify By the way, I was giving you a compliment, saying that you’re not an ignorant person. You are really conflicted aren’t you? So I don’t consider you an ignorant person is now an attack
  10. She hasn’t been yet But I am down for listening for all criminality. It doesn’t matter whether it comes from the left or the right because I’m an independent. Let’s see what comes of it
  11. So you really don’t strike me as an ignorant person, but putting anything with Marley Taylor Greene in it come on man
  12. There is absolutely no proof that Joe Biden has anything to do with what is going on with Donald Trump. None whatsoever. I mean they’re going out of their way to make it different from Trump/Barr you did not see the current Attorney General getting out in front of the Durham investigation report they just let it stand on what it said, which was basically nothing You seem upset I’m just trying to have a conversation with you I’m not ready to say that Trump stole them I think he knew that he had them It seems like he didn’t want to give them up And that should be the emphasis on the indictment To say that Donald Trump stole sensitive documents is a hairsbreath away from treason and I’m not ready to go there yet I need more information
  13. I don’t suppose it matters to you that this doesn’t prove any kind of influence peddling by Biden, like none whatsoever
  14. Trying to read between the lines on this one. Are you saying that you are happy because you think there might be a way for Trump to circumvent the legal system by having a trump appointee judge and you’re happy about this why? Just as a point of emphasis here, they are also trying this in Florida. The special prosecutor didn’t make a move to try to get it moved to Washington DC because he is trying to show some fair and balanced.
  15. Trying to figure out where you get the hand waving thing Were there not a group of countries that were looking into this? Ukrainian prosecutor, and not just the United States? but for a minute, let’s say what you say is true. Joe Biden would’ve been vice president at the time, correct? exactly. How does the vice president make sole control of appropriations in order to hold back funding? Would this not be in the preview of the appropriations committee?
  16. So excited to see what our secondary looks with a legitimate pass rush in front of them
  17. Good call I hadn’t even thought about the fact that he went to a division rival
  18. Because his name is Biden That doesn’t mean that he has any pull within the United States government. You could probably take it one step further, and the fact that he has dependency issues would make him a poor candidate for a position in government It means that he leveraged his name in order to get a paycheck This really isn’t that uncommon amongst the elite types. I don’t need to remind you that they were trumps that were put into actual positions in our government and given top-secret SCI clearances, which they totally were not qualified for Once again, I’m not going to sit there and insinuate anything that can’t be proven, but people in power have siblings that leverage their names Could you explain, even if this was true why that would make them communists?
  19. I’m not a leftist I am asking a simple question Hunter Biden does not have a position in the American government. He is a family member of a president. I see you talking about allegations a lot I just want to point out that allegations are not proof
  20. I am curious how you feel this way The things that have caused inflation would definitely have been there under Trump because it’s not Biden‘s fault. It’s not any presidents fault actually.
  21. Because Hunter, Biden is not the president nor represents any position in American politics? Wait a minute how can you have? No idea if he broke any laws yeah, take such a strong opinion siding with Trump. I’m genuinely curious here I am a Trump hater. I always have been always will be, and always will see it not necessarily against all Republicans depending on who they are. I try to stay as independent as I can, but taking a stance without knowing what’s actually in the sealed indictment?
  22. It doesn’t really If you’re going to run the ball, you’re going to take the ball out of tuas ants they have the same offense of line problems that we had last year There was nothing wrong with the running backs that they had going into the season Miami still has the same problem that they have had the quarterback can’t hold up
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