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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I had an Asian supervisor at the University that I worked at for years despite her age her body was holding up a lot better than mine I paid attention to what she ate. It looks a lot like this.
  2. The team was emotionally spent They still might’ve lost anyway
  3. OK don’t take this the wrong way, but my biggest shock is that new era is a female I don’t know why I just assumed I shouldn’t do that
  4. If you don’t watch Mexican soap operas, you’re missing out The women oh my God
  5. I just think we need to get away from bell cow running back thought It will be a two back system, but cook is going to see a ton of time on the field are the run in the ball or out in the flat catching passes
  6. Just saying one document would send your average top-secret clearance carrying holder to Leavenworth Just for scope here
  7. I am honestly not super versed in it only what I read like I said I’ve been out of the intelligence game for over 20 years The way I read it the 1 billion that the United States was withholding, was a small fraction of what was being withheld as a whole If it just would’ve been the United States withholding aid, I would’ve been More skeptical On the Solinski phone call it’s accumulation of things not just the verbiage that Trump used but also the fact that he kicked everybody out of the room for the phone call. Trump had a habit of doing that while he was president. He never once stop to realize that those people in the room are there for a reason
  8. I have not heard her speak since the last debates that is how little I actually see of her on a script. She knows how to talk. but talking doesn’t make a vice president I would not be comfortable with her being the president United States
  9. She looks like she might be good in bed got those crazy eyes That’s interesting. That’s exactly what I think of Lauren Boebert, except she managed to turn a district that was solid red into one where she barely escaped with the seat. Pretty damn hot till she opens her mouth
  10. Kamala Harris has no problem in debates. What exactly are Tim Scott and Nikki Haley going to run on she is a former prosecutor and she knows how to speak It’s not her talk that’s the problem it’s the lack of any actual action
  11. So I agree that Kamala Harris doesn’t appear to be doing much My question is, did Mike Pence do anything? I’m trying to remember the last time I remembered achievements of the vice president in any year
  12. It looks to me like we have the makings of a consistent steady pass rush all game while still being able to sub guys in and out It’s gonna be interesting because I think McDermott is going to be way more aggressive
  13. That seems to be how we got beat last year. It wasn’t consistent gouging runs. It was one long run at a bad time that hurt us. It didn’t happen often
  14. A couple of reasons A warm weather team coming to play in Buffalo in the snow The Jaguars do not have the wide receiving core that the Bengals have The real question is why don’t you have faith in your team Fairweather fan
  15. For my part, I think they both did it wrong I think that’s kind of puzzling me as I’m hearing this two-tiered justice system There definitely is, but not like how you think if your average worker did with these people did, they would have their security clearances, revoked, and at best be fired at worst be looking at jail time
  16. I suppose this is true although I do think there is a middle group that actually decides presidential elections. I’d like to think of my Part of the independent group
  17. Personally, and I thought this at the time I thought that she was a horrible candidate, regardless if it came out of the Republicans It’s not because she’s a woman I would gladly except a woman president or a person of color or whatever as long as they understood that they were going to be a president for a whole nation and not just for a half
  18. Hillary Clinton would be better off just sitting this one out. The emails being kept on a server was highly questionable as well. I would agree that if the department of justice thinks that it’s enough to look into it, they should look into it I’m not a big fan of corruption from either side of the aisle
  19. I find it interesting that you poke holes in a news story, but are willing to believe any ***** that served to you with no proof It says right in the article that Biden was not the only one withholding aid You asked for what reason the new story answers that as well You can choose not to believe it I’m just trying to figure out what swears you to believe the lies that are being fed do you with absolutely no concrete proof whatsoever
  20. A quick Google search https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110331/documents/HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD440.pdf
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