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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You don’t get it Russia wants it all they’re not going to stop at Crimea and the Don bus Putin views, the whole continent, as should be under Russian control
  2. Of course I would like the war to stop for those of us that I’ve seen war it’s not pretty the visions that you get of soldiers looking all gung ho to go into a war zone. Well it doesn’t really exist. Just a job that Hass to be done. And yes, this is a proxy war. NATO is looking for out for its interests in the region by helping Ukraine. The alternative to that, however, is that we pull back our support and Russia curb stops Ukraine and takes it over Now I want you to think about something here if Russia takes over Ukraine, it is now directly on a NATO border and Russia does not believe that just Ukraine should be part of it country you are literally one step away from World War III at that point and we would still be sending resources to the region to secure that border as part of NATO
  3. People seem to forget if at all over, goes out there and has a huge season. We wouldn’t even be able to afford him. He would be looking at money like the top defensive tackles in the league. I think the bills are taking a bit of a gamble here but I like the gamble it gave us relief this year, which allowed us to get Leonard Floyd on board and that shows that they’re pushing some chips into the middle of the table here and if it pans out, they will look very smart as that contract is not even going to be middle top money soon
  4. It was if they were planning on resigning him, which may have been the case all along People like coward don’t really follow the team that closely he’s probably saying that because we didn’t go out and big DeAndre Hopkins to sign a huge contract
  5. I don’t know I just have a hard time getting on digs for anything he has done The guy knows that the team is close and he wants to win He is not getting any younger As long as he shows up tomorrow, ready to go still one of my favorite players
  6. I don’t think anybody can really defend the drops. Gabe Davis had way too many however, I don’t feel like he had that many of the year previously so it could just be a one time thing or not.
  7. We have literally played the Chiefs one time in the playoffs All of the regular season games lately have been going to the bills I know it’s the off-season, but let’s not inflate the numbers
  8. What is the Hopkins released much later than we made these deals pretty sure that that’s the case
  9. I still think the whole diggs thing is way overblown I expect to see him tomorrow at mandatory camp
  10. For all of the crap that Gabe Davis gets, he had 800 yards last year as a number two Trent Sherfield is a bona fide number three we can’t let shakur waste away on the bench If they start running more two te sets, we’re gonna be losing less wide receivers
  11. Did not have a lot of money to spend, but often to free agents would you have liked to of seen that we could’ve actually afforded Keep in mind, most of the people we brought are on minimum deals
  12. I thought that we did quite a bit on the offensive side of the ball this year or even if it was low-key Trying to remember the last time that our top 2 draft picks went to that side
  13. Just so that I understand what you’re saying here because McDermott is not as good of a coach as Andy Reid therefore, he is a poor coach? Andy Reid is going to be in the Hall of Fame
  14. I would be thrilled with that production, especially if it meant opening up things for other receiving options on the field Josh being able to throw over the middle of the field again we’re totally open up this office in other places
  15. Ideally, I would like to keep Epenesa and trade boogie Basham But now that we have two legitimate pass rushers on board. We also need to think about the future and what the Situation is going to be for that I would actually like to see floud stay around for a while
  16. I remember back whenever we drafted Josh Allen and they were putting other quarterbacks ahead of him but certain prognosticators were saying the Josh Allen it’s just the right fit for Buffalo I mean little did they know that Josh Allen was going to become this unicorn QB proud that he’s our quarterback and proud to know his family, as my grandfather had a very very close to there farm
  17. As someone who has actually seen this stuff for firsthand the people that I truly care for are the Ukrainian citizens
  18. Now that we have Leonard Floyd, I would air on the side of caution as most of us who have been around someone who is healed from an ACL tear it’s not just about that injury, being healed, but making sure that the whole body is stable, and that it’s not overcompensating on some other body part that would cause injury
  19. Well, I hardly ever agree with the people that the op mentioned I think it’s against terms of service to call people out my name People are allowed their opinions
  20. I just wanted to tell all of you that, regardless of any political affiliations, I would sit down and have a beer or two with all of you You are my fellow bills brothers and even if we disagree on certain things, I still love all of you OK back to your regularly scheduled programming
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