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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Oh, come on Mr. agent knock the ***** off You know damn well the diggs is not doing what he supposed to be doing
  2. I think it actually would make him more amicable to them, because the left believed in freedom
  3. Literally, nothing has changed. Children were attending these events before it became a thing. And yes, Americans did actually become more intolerant because that was the political thing they were being asked to do on the right I didn’t agree with the BLM riots that caused all that damage but the right absolutely has become the party of intolerance and hate
  4. Looks like they were covered up to me and even if they weren’t, it’s a freedom of expression Why do you hate freedom so much
  5. Are you not paying attention to what’s coming out of these Christian national higher up mouths? The real question is, is there any difference between the gays and the LGBTQ From past history to cause them to start to attack it the gays, and the LGBTQ are not doing anything differently they’re just being attacked what they’ve done in the past.
  6. They’re not getting through there because of the support that they’re receiving from NATO. If we withdrew our support, this war would be going very differently. And don’t conflate what Putin is willing to do with what the common sense thing would be to do he invaded a sovereign country Which wasn’t smart to begin with If Russia takes Ukraine, they’re right on NATO borders and Putin has already made statements in the past about what his broader intentions are It doesn’t matter if he can’t win it matters that he’s willing to sacrifice his armies, and that he has nuclear weapons
  7. I think a flag should be something that means something to you I also think there are people in this country that are getting drawn into a battle over this that they really don’t want to be in Your average, American doesn’t really care about a rainbow flag I myself would not fly it on my property because it doesn’t mean anything to me, but if itI did, I would fly it Did you miss the hippie era or something?
  8. That’s a backwards way of looking at it not everyone that supports pride is gay or LGBTQ some people just believe in the right to live the way you want The real question is why does a rainbow flag bother people so much people should just let them have it and shut the ***** up
  9. Guy looked like he was more interested in getting his cereal then answer the question
  10. If he bought it, he is free to do what he wants to with it if he stole it, he should be prosecuted
  11. It’s not displaced. There are more American flags there than there are pride
  12. There are quite a few of these when you have a moment look up, patriot church, and the things that are coming out of that guys mouth Does he say go out and kill a gay person know but he says enough whenever you have a bunch of weak minded people that are easily influenced
  13. Yes, I forgot. I also have a bills flag with my American flag. The same American flag that I left the military with back in 99
  14. I was married for 23 years to the daughter of a nondenominational pastor here in California. Great man actually I could never imagine going to a church that preaches hate, and I’ve seen so many of them. Never once did, I hear him utter a word of politics out of his mouth any any sermon he ever gave Chris, you know that this isn’t true When they sit up there and they confess their love for Donald Trump and how he is some kind of religious savior, and I know that you’ve seen it It’s got nothing to do with being a damn loyalist you can be a conservative wants to worship God and not have a church. That’s in the politics.
  15. This is still happening today https://bigthink.com/the-past/nazis-anti-semitic-bible-aryan-jesus/ I honestly couldn’t imagine having anything other than American flag on my property But once again, I understand what that flag means freedom freedom to do what you want live how you want
  16. That is simply not true I did not say that there were so many. I said that there were churches that do this, and there are.
  17. There are in fact churches in the country that have Nazi flags. Did you not know this? They claim tax exemptions, just like regular other churches do
  18. I agree that it’s not a religious symbol. I think the churches are just trying to show support for diversity when they do that. Do you attack Nazi flags with the same energy?
  19. And California is not asking you to pay for it. California is basically it’s own country we even pay your taxes. Not a big fan of Newsom I didn’t like the reports that he was setting rules during the pandemic, but not abiding by them himself
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