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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Are you trying to say that the population of Florida is greater than the population of California?
  2. Eva Longoria is also a fantastic person. I’ve met her three tomes once down at universal studios whenever I was taking my daughter to an audition and once sat next to her at a Lakers game. And we were at the same Christmas party for a management company. She was there with a friend. She was always gracious. I’m not going to defend dc The only thing that I’m going to see on that is that Donald Trump took the corruption that was already there and he didn’t fix it he tried to see if he could get away with worse People keep on trying to pit Donald Trump as some kind of outsider he’s not he fancies himself in elite, and he goes out and he tries to act like he’s the champion for idiots. He doesn’t even like the idiots that fawn over him he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire just a means to an end
  3. OK so let’s break this down The Russian collusion was not proved therefore, that was not a real thing. There was enough evidence for the accusation. I know absolutely nothing about the Pee tape hoax I guess I just wasn’t following that closely If there was any hard factual evidence on the hunter laptop, they would’ve brought it up by now. They’ve had plenty of chances to do it. They don’t have the evidence so they’re not doing it. The Trump calls to Ukraine was an impeachable offense you know how I know because he was ***** impeached I never believed the border patrol agents were whipping migrants at the border There were in fact, kids being put in cages. There is video and photos of that to prove it, but the Biden tactics on immigration are not that much different than the ones that the Republicans used. The last one I can speak on because I have knowledge of this bounties on American soldiers is not a new thing. This has been done for decades by our enemies it does happen. The question is what is a president supposed to do about that because they’re not supposed to be escalating an American soldier knows what the risks are whenever they go beyond the wire. I never blamed Trump for this and I never thought there was anything that he could do about it.
  4. The majority of people apparently do listen Trump didn’t lose because he lost to a better leader Biden won because he wasn’t Trump people just didn’t wanna see Trump back in office Oh yes, Dan Bongino didn’t want those big checks that he was getting from Fox News and being on a major right wing platform I’m sure that’s it
  5. No, there are other things that I don’t agree with on the Democratic slate You’re gonna have to tell me what fake accusations you’re talking about I certainly hope that you’re not talking about the Trump accusations Children in schools should be shown diversity the Christian national movement that is trying to put a Bible on. Every chair is just as bad if not worse.
  6. Elon musk is the last person that should be talking about being biased Bongino is a hack Eventually became even too much of a hack for Fox News, and they fired him
  7. So just for the record, this is one of the things that I don’t agree with on the democratic side of the aisle Security guard should be allowed to carry guns in my opinion all security guards that I’ve gone through the proper training, and have gone through the proper procedures to receive their firearms should be allowed to carry There are several reasons for this the obvious ones are you don’t know what you’re going to encounter out there while you’re doing your job and it’s better to have one and not need it then need it and not have one in this job position The other, his arm security guards get paid more. It is actually quite pathetic how much an unarmed security guard gets paid, at least allow them to maximize out there income potential. I’ve worked arm security before did it whenever I got out of the military. It’s not an easy job, especially depending on where you work.
  8. Are you in someway saying that she is not qualified A great question
  9. There are too many people in California anyway, I wish that it was true that people were leaving but the problem is is the people come in right behind them and set up shop continuing to make it to congested California does not have problems with this The people that tell you this are lying to you. California has all of the problems of a country not some small little red state.
  10. OK you seriously did not use the epoch times as a source for something Come on man these ***** lie their asses off, and you know it Custodial issues such as having to clean up the ***** that they smeared on the capital walls?
  11. I got no problem with him I just wished he would shut the ***** up
  12. At least he didn’t grab her by the ***** And I know Eva yes she deals with this all the time
  13. I’m not quite sure what your point here is perhaps you can educate me on it Joe Biden said that he didn’t support gay marriage, but didn’t think there should be a distinction in the benefit of it for straight couples. He agreed with his Republican counterpart on the stage. He still might not, or he may be taking a different stance on it as he got along in years people do that I’m not quite sure what your problem is with it because this seems to be something that you would agree with her you know bitching about him because he agrees with Republicans?
  14. Once again, present your proven evidence You mean the trump that talks about grabbing women by the ***** You mean Trump who double down on it during questioning before he was convicted of sexual assault You mean the trump that was having sex with porn stars while he was married Are we talking about that Trump?
  15. I retract it I can’t prove it therefore I’m not going to steak anything on it whatever video I saw is no longer in my availability to search. Therefore it’s not true.
  16. He is old as hell, but I don’t see anything criminal here
  17. I’m hearing about a bunch of people crying because they can’t come up with actual evidence to support what they’re saying If Joe Biden has done something wrong, they should bring the evidence fourth to support their claims. If they can’t do it, they should shut the ***** up. This is in a situation like Donald Trump, where he just talks about his crimes all day I am more than willing to listen to real little evidence I’m all ears
  18. I always thought your defensive coaches were a run, the ball, the ton and defend on your defense guys That doesn’t seem to be the case in Buffalo. We passed the ball all over the place.
  19. There is literally nothing to support your notion that Brian Dabol wanted out of the Buffalo Bills, even if it was for an offensive coordinator position You have a coach that consistently wins and you want to move on to a lottery ticket
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