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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. There is no denying that Biden is in decline It’s actually kind of sad that this is the best the Democrats have to offer What makes it worse is people were forced to vote for him, because there was a worse option across the way
  2. you know doc I never really thought of it. That way you’re right. Both men in positions of power
  3. By all accounts, Trump had one he was elected president and serve the full term, even though he was impeached twice The Democrats are not the one that forced Donald Trump to carry on with the lie that he had been cheated out of the election and just ran with it until only the hard-core Magus were even listening And even though he was living comfortably as an ex president, who never divested from any of his businesses, so he was making money, the whole time, his newfound money from the Saudi’s for the live golf tournaments, he still had to find a way to stick it to the government or at least he thought he did. The problem is Donald Trump‘s really not that smart. He has an ego the size of Florida, and he literally thought that he could just get away with anything then come to the classified documents case. They’ve got him dead to rights….maybe
  4. The fact that you believe there is tangible evidence on that Hunter Biden laptop, and that the Republicans will not bring that light really says some thing about you Is your party so helpless that they control the house and can’t get the evidence for the Hunter Biden laptop? By the way, I am not saying that Obama did not build and use those cages for immigrants. That was never my intention. My contention is none of these presidents have come up with a real solution to the problem not Obama not Trump not Biden.
  5. Can’t wait I am so looking forward to it If he just would’ve given the documents back……. Tucker came out the gate with his very first Twitter episode, trying to side with the Russians against Ukraine Tucker is literally one of the few shows from America that Russia will allow on TVs that should tell you something
  6. Take a look at win, the de regulation of the railroads happened He went down and gave them bottled Trump water. Probably had a hard time getting rid of it and I bought them some McDonald’s the food that they were about to throw out. You’re making like he actually cares about these people he don’t. It was a photo op.
  7. Is Biden, even in what I just said I thought we were talking about Trump here
  8. He would have you believe that he left money on the table I call bull####
  9. And how exactly did Trump? “Help” them By going down to them and seeing, if you vote for me, I will fix all of this? He caused all of this with his deregulation of the railroads
  10. And of course you have proof of that I guess I’m going to have to plead ignorance on the highly covered story. I can’t speak on something that I didn’t follow. There is a Biden laptop and it’s been proven what’s not been proven as what’s actually on it and it’s been years if they had anything, they would’ve presented it by now, but they don’t The video and photos are not from the obama era. There is video and picture evidence during the Trump era. The point that I was trying to make was that there’s not that much of a distinction between Trump and Biden, and what their border policies are none of them have found a solution.
  11. So those news outlets reported what they had been told Bon Gino is not going to start trashing Fox News and Fox News doesn’t make a habit of trashing its outgoing people because the opportunity might come up again for them to work together again in the future I realize that he has a podcast I’m telling you right now. Fox News would have kept him if he was worth it they didn’t.
  12. Eva is a full grown woman who did not make mention of it so she didn’t considered a big deal No, it’s not sexual assault. It’s sexual assault if eva was offended. Trump cares about none of those things he’s fishing for votes in a heavy red state I don’t know if you seen the videos of trump talking to those people from the railroad cars spill but it sounded like a bunch of cult worshipers begging to the Jesus. It was total Creepshow.
  13. what exactly what would he be spying on him for? Biden doesn’t do personal business with other countries
  14. The only problem is, it’s not a fact Just because Bongino says it doesn’t mean that it’s true
  15. Opposition for a pee tape? Really? Conservatives would not bad an eye over a pee tape they already gloss over the fact that the guy has sex with porn stars well, he’s married, so why would that bother them?
  16. Well, when you asked if they were being replaced by foreigners the first thing that I thought was that you meant illegal immigrants if you did not mean that I apologize California is very diverse, so yes we have a lot of foreigners. Here are universities are extremely diverse with all of the students that come over to study here for example That’s why I think it’s an extremely blue state
  17. From the video, it looks to me, like Joe was getting kind of handsy
  18. I will think one thing you need to come to terms with is this is America foreigners are allowed to come here Illegal immigrants can’t vote but have to pay taxes. They are not counted whenever they tally California residents. It’s not a surprise that foreigners would want to come to California and only legal ones are counted in the census
  19. Well, he’s not lying Maybe if you just would’ve given up the documents the first time and not try to hide them The feds will get you for ***** like that
  20. You’re leaving out a very important fact of this As fast as people are leaving California, there are other people moving right in Personally, I hope that the right wingers go to Florida better to get them all in one spot they’ve got things pretty strong up down there politically speaking and so they would probably be happier there But in California we are more diverse and as fast as people are going out and it’s fast as companies leave, their places are taken by other people and other companies The difference between the population in California and Florida are in the millions
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