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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I think he’s a little better than that The problem is, if he gets to free agency, somebody will pay him way more than that
  2. Alienating, friendly countries, and having them laugh behind your back is adult leader ship? Set the bar higher dude
  3. Of course it is You now have a coach that has not missed the playoffs in what three years 13 and three season You change coaches there’s every possibility that you’re looking at a top 10 pack Things have happened to playing themselves out If we regress, then you know they’re going to seriously look at it If they’re going 13 and three, he’s not gonna get fired
  4. Because they are smarter than he is remember the whole Kim Jong-un thing whenever he made this big deal of walking across the barrier between north and South Korea and then it wasn’t a year later that they were doing things against US policy and Trump was talking ***** about him You cannot be friend dictators they’re just trying to get an angle
  5. You misunderstand me I have no problem with people having different political beliefs than I do, and I’m open to learning new things You’re stating something I’m disagreeing with you that’s called discord that’s all Would still buy you a beer if I met you
  6. I did not say that you said that the United States was a Third World country. You pointed to Third World countries, and metropolitan cities in the United States, is simply not true. By the way, more people piss and ***** in the street in rural areas
  7. Boy, they really do have you don’t they?
  8. They are being attacked by half the nation how do you expect them to react? I don’t understand why people just can’t let people let other people live the way they want
  9. As opposed to someone that alienated our friends and other countries, and was laugh that? Donald Trump got along better with dictators than he did other free countries
  10. There is literally no place in the United States. That is like Haiti that’s just you being in your feelings.
  11. Of course you’re crazy you’re a bills fan So this is another area where I definitely slide a little bit more to center I believe that whenever your children are having a problem with her identity, the first step is to seek counseling defined with the other possible issues could be What you don’t want to do is alienate your kids whenever they’re trying to tell you something you have to listen and you can’t sit there and take your ideology and shove it on your kid that might work for a little while but eventually they’ll revolt. They’ll always love you, but you can seriously drive a stick between you and your kids.
  12. Well, you don’t have first-hand knowledge of how the city has become have you ever been outside the country to a Third World country? I have on both San Francisco has got its good areas and bad areas just like other other metropolitan city in my stay there I found some very nice spots In my travels I have been to Third World countries. Trust me whenever I tell you that if you have never been to one to actually know what the ***** you’re talking about. You should chill. There is nowhere in the United States that is a Third World country.
  13. Not a big fan of Kamala Harris. She should’ve stayed in the Senate where she was actually doing some good. This was totally a minority signing with better candidates for vice president available. But even if Kamala Harris took over as president, the same would still be true. They would put good people around her that are actually making the decisions. but that’s what the vice president position is all about Donald Trump did the same thing whenever he brought along Mike Pence, so that he could get the Bible thumper vote it’s just a parlay to a certain group of the country that votes
  14. People that don’t have the first ***** clue of what a war would look like I do and I don’t want it This is true Is one saving grace is that he knows how to put good people around him a lot of the decisions being made, or not being made by biden Do you live in San Francisco?
  15. I think the bills love him Way more than the fans do The drops are troubling. Hopefully he can clear that up this year But if they don’t sign them to an extension before the season, he’s gone it doesn’t matter if he is a superb number three some team will pay him to be a number two
  16. Only what the video actually showed and what people actually testified to I would’ve liked to of seen a couple of Republicans on the committee. The problem is the republican party only wanted to put people under investigation on the committee. They could’ve easily put a couple of Republicans that would not have been objected to. Republicans love their memes Actual evidence be damned My definition of proof is proof Nothing has been presented just a lot of accusations wouldn’t go to court with this unless you wanted to get laughed at
  17. Sounds like wishful thinking from the journalist
  18. Every year is a new year This bills team has the most talent on it since Josh has come to the team But The teams around us in the east have gotten better as well Sometimes people tend to forget that this team got beat the ***** with injuries, and still went 13 and three last year
  19. I myself don’t listen to any of them, and I don’t like to link them as proof into my posts Whenever I want to listen to news, I listen to Kyle Kalinsky
  20. Well, yes, I believe I deserve credit that I went back researched. It again came back and was honest. We don’t get a lot of that on this board people don’t like to admit when their wrong
  21. The difference is, I retracted it whenever I couldn’t prove it The first time that the epoch times retracts one of their lies will be a first They make their money solely off of conspiracy theorists, and are not to be taken seriously There is this thing called deescalation You should learn it
  22. You keep on bringing up this people are fleeing blue states argument You do realize that people are moving in to replace them right? You’re having a general re-organization of people that didn’t belong in blue states moving to red states and vice versa
  23. I assume that we’re going to include fox in the MSM seeing as how they’re paying out like $750 million for lying to the public
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