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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You’re gonna have to explain what exactly he did to deceive, and how he missed used his power be specific
  2. I keep hearing this multitude of lies, but no one wants to actually lay out anything that’s actually been proven. He was responsible for the investigation that ended up, showing there was no collusion past that you’re gonna have to give up some other instances, bro.
  3. I think that they are all doing it on the Supreme Court and I think it’s ridiculously Corrupt
  4. The main point that I’m trying to make here is people think that he is in someway different than the politicians that we have seen pasted present and future David Chappelle said it best when describing Trump calling him an honest liar ” yes, I’m lying to you” ” no I don’t care if you know”
  5. Do people not understand what the cap hit would be if we traded Stefon Diggs? We are talking about literally $40 million on next year’s cap. That is what we would pay whether he was on our team or not. It is literally money we have already paid him. Come on, let’s do some research, brothers and sisters
  6. Has Durham pointed out in his report the FBI missed some steps in the beginning of their investigation I’m just not why you won’t answer answer the question of what you think a cult is. This isn’t a court of law in here you’re allowed to give your opinions I won’t hold them against you
  7. Is this the first time that he was convicted and pardoned by trump or is this a new thing?
  8. They definitely are in a race to the bottom of the dumpster that’s for sure I find it kind of interesting how they feuding with each other but like sisters, they will be quick to jump on somebody else together That is literally not even true We are taught in religion that the serpent went to Eve because Eve was Adam‘s biggest weakness, and the serpent new that if he can get eve on his side, he could get Adam to do whatever he wanted But I mean, what else do you expect from the Jewish space lasers girl
  9. I for one, do not like the tit for tat thing if somebody has done wrong, they have done wrong regardless of the aisle that they sit on I do have a question, though what are the lies that schiff has told other than no Russian collusion has been found in the investigations I’m not a conspiracy theorist, so whenever there are investigations, and they say no collusion, and there was no collusion
  10. Well, I mean that really is par for the course for right wingers. Nobody ever wants to answe legitimate question whenever it’s asked. I have already said that I can’t stand Hillary Clinton The FBI has made mistakes. No one is calling them perfect.
  11. OK so here’s an interesting test. What would be your description of someone that is in a cult Whoever said that it did What some of us believe is, we do need law and order we can’t just start attacking the law because it doesn’t agree with us per se When Kyle Rittenhouse got off, I considered him a murderer but the legal system acquitted him. I didn’t cry about it even though I didn’t like it I just considered it. The legal system ran its course and found him innocent. You all believe that any time the legal system does something you don’t like then they are evil, and under the firm of the Democratic Party which I find kind of ironic, because the DOJ is filled with Republicans
  12. Yes, I do believe that we should expect a certain amount of decorum when talking about other people, Bongino can certainly get his point across without using that language
  13. What you’re seeing is not anger It’s just exasperation how stupid you can get It’s more like sympathy
  14. I realize that Republicans like them young but the two bottom pictures are not women. They are girls. And Taking a still photo and presenting it the way that you want doesn’t make it true
  15. So sht equals nazi? I mean, I’ve heard, communist fascist, Marxist, and I kind of equate those to be in called Nazi Wait…..what?
  16. Anybody that boos a team that wins 13 games is just entitled as ***** that’s the only way I can say it
  17. that is so cute The DOJ and the FBI are not your enemy If you’re seeing more right wingers go to jail, it’s because they’re doing worse crimes Donald Trump had no problem with weaponization the DOJ whenever he was president I want to be clear here I am not a leftist. I am an independent couldn’t stand. Hillary Clinton didn’t agree with what she did but I’m also not a conspiracy theorist and there’s way too much of that going on around here. I will forever be a never Trumper because aside from just being an #######, he was just a bad president
  18. Could you please point out the left wing candidates pendants wherever you wanna go that inserts “*****” in front of their description for the other party I literally have not seen it, but I am open to be educated 🤮 sign is a poor replacement for actually refuting it
  19. The cover one was a very good session with Elam. It goes into the insight of what he was thinking in certain place and just a really good listen.
  20. And this right here is what right wing media has devolved to Isn’t it some thing that the right wingers are attacking their own investigator?
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