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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Yeah, I corrected my post on that No, he’s not an idiot. He just does stupid things every once in a while.
  2. One of the few good points I’ve ever seen you make This is true, an unstable country having a Civil War whenever they have nuclear weapons is not a good thing for anybody once again, I ask since you didn’t answer the first time Is Biden old and senile and barely able to keep the food in his mouth Or Is the leader of a Biden crime family You can’t have it both ways
  3. So I hate to break this to you, but the bills have been beyond the wildcard round and recently
  4. I certainly hope not. We have some major conspiracy theorist on this board, but I don’t want to go so far as to call them Nazis. Now in Ukraine, you have literal walking around military units that are comprised of Nazis with guns out in the open
  5. So let me see if I’ve got this straight We are now using the submersible tragedy as another way to lash out at the bogeyman Joe Biden Who is either Too senile to be president and can’t keep his food in his mouth Or A genius, crime, family mobster I mean, which is it
  6. Yeah, I don’t know if I’m ready to go there with Ukraine. I was totally for defending them as a free nation against Russia and I think it serves the United States interests that we have a buffer country between NATO and Russia but let’s not act like there is not a plethora of Nazis in Ukraine, some of their ideology does not fit with American ideology
  7. He ruined Ron DeSantis’s campaign launch I’m not a huge fan of Ron, but that was embarrassing. Musk hast to take the hit on that.
  8. I think it’s going to take the team win loss record to take a step back before anybody gets fired. We were 13 and three last year if we end up going, for instance say 10 and seven then I think they look at it.
  9. Actually, I think I used the wrong words he’s not an idiot he just does idiotic things from time to time
  10. I still don’t use it. I read them whenever people post them. But I’m not an active user. When your enemy is acting like a drunk ballerina, just stay out of their way and open the door so they can spin out into the street
  11. So is it your opinion that you need people armed with guns in order to have an insurrection?
  12. The new developments between Wagner and Russian forces are interesting You never really know what the Russians are going to do they might be trying to wipe Wagner out while still fighting a war with Ukraine or they might come to terms. Either way all of this is bad trying to fight two different wars on two different fronts, if that is actually what is happening. Not really understanding why Russia would even do this serious dissension among them
  13. Twitter was never going to go under too big to fail. It’s not like some of the others that I’ve come along that didn’t survive long enough to have a chance to very smart person. Once told me that if you can keep a business alive for a year you’ve got a fighting shot of keeping it going. It’s not from lack of trying, that it hasn’t gone under Elon musk is an idiot, but he’s a rich idiot
  14. “ holding them accountable” Those words make it sound like they’re not doing everything he can to improve the team. This is probably the most loaded roster that this team has ever had this year. General managers, acquire talent Coaches coach Players play The general manager and the coaches are doing their jobs. The team is top 5 to 7 on both offense and defense. One team wins the Super Bowl every year. They have either been in the playoffs or in the conference finals for the last what four years Some of winning a Super Bowl is just good or bad luck
  15. That is the def of strawman Part of me just wants to see this happen and watch this team fall off into the abyss with no decent head coach just salute people like you can see what it looks like Not ones with 13 and three records
  16. This is a loaded question One team wins the Super Bowl every year Should all the coaches that are not on the team being fired should the GM be let go if his team does not win the Super Bowl
  17. I think it’s inappropriate But there are levels to this ***** let’s keep in mind then when Trump was confronted about saying that he could grab women by the ***** he double down on it, whenever he was being deposed saying that people in positions of power or money can do whatever they want
  18. “ stop buying Modelo please” Oh wait all owned by the same company Newsmax Jesus Christ
  19. Joe Biden looks Handsy to me but I don’t see any sexual deviance going on here that rises to the level of sexual assault Not like a certain somebody we know
  20. I just want them to be Balanced Consistent
  21. Because there is the truth, and then there is something that is not the truth The truth can be easily pointed out and identify you have done nothing of that But I don’t want to intrude on your bubble. Do you want to stay in the dark stay there but if you’re gonna say something, and I say back it up with some proof and then you don’t wanna do it that kind of says something about you. No, but I think it’s fair to ask whenever somebody makes a statement that they are able to have discourse about it is that so wrong?
  22. I’m gonna say one thing about this message board I don’t think people realize that whenever you ask somebody to defend their position and they don’t defend it That’s not a win for you
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