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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. They’re not doing exactly the same thing not by a long shot And I most certainly am not all over Joe Biden‘s jock. The guy is old is dirt and the rumors that he can’t put in a full day of work as president are concerning to me. This is simply the case of a lesser of two bad
  2. They sent a few cans of Bud Light to this LGBTQ person they didn’t even put it on the shelves The response to. That was ridiculous.
  3. Good they should have no problem bringing an indictment This has been explained to you more than once The Bidens are not my political heroes, frankly not a great choice for president The Democrats have not been great at putting up candidates, but I am an absolute Trump hater so they could’ve nominate a pet rock if they had the votes in order to make sure that Trump did not get a second term I would’ve voted for it
  4. I think as soon as you take away, both the far left, and the far right out of these conversations than actual conversation can be had. As an independent, I see certain things from both sides of the aisle that I like and that I hate to give some for instances I am a big fan of alternate energy resources, but I don’t think you’ll ever be able to do way with the energy systems that we have. Now you can reduce them. You can make us less dependent on oil from other countries by doing it and well it wouldn’t completely clean up the environment you can make a big dent into the problem I am not a big fan of people that change gender and then play sports and get an unfair advantage. It does not mean that I am against LGBTQ. It means maybe we should have sports that allow just for that. It is unfair for a woman to have to compete with somebody that used to be a man. I am not not a fan of Racy LGPDQ shows where children are present. I think that you can have things in schools without doing that. I do believe there a right to exist, and the cancel culture like the whole Bud Light thing is ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that it just drove them to another beer that Anheuser-Busch owned anyway so they didn’t really lose any money that’s why they’re stock. Price didn’t deviate that much. Then there are things that I can speak on personally, the military budget is extremely over inflated. We have the largest military in the world by far and we gave way too much to the military industrial complex as somebody who was in the military, and was actually in charge of their spending as one of my duties. It is embarrassing to tell you how much we paid for things that you can get at Walmart for considerably cheaper and you have to do that because if you don’t spend all the money if they didn’t punish you for doing that I could’ve easily saved the Air Force a lot of money by just price comparison shopping
  5. It’s pretty sad that you have to jump through hoops to defend him on all of these allegations he could’ve simply not done them like a presidential leader, and there wouldn’t be an issue. The fact that he did and people actually try to defend it is actually quite sad.
  6. I think it might change a little bit I do not expect Donald Trump to get jail time. There are multiple reasons for this I think they’re just trying to get him out of the presidential race. There are many of us that would literally rather see a Republican elected president. That was not Donald Trump even if we don’t agree with the Republican agenda. This is how much I hate Donald Trump Donald Trump is dangerous. He is an petulant child with his hand on the nuclear football if elected president. As soon as you can link any of this to Joe Biden, without trying to run some conspiracy theory, give me a call By the way, I find it interesting how you’re asking questions of people, but you don’t ever respond to our questions? I have been pretty civil with you.
  7. Anybody that hasn’t had sex with two women at a time it’s just missing out The sad thing about this is, I don’t think she really believes it She’s just throwing red meat out there knowing that any motion, for this will be stuck in the quicksand
  8. There’s one thing I agree on on this and that’s that I don’t know why this has not been brought up sooner What the Supreme Court has been doing whenever they have cases in front of them that literally they are conflicted on has been going on for a while and we’re just now bringing it up. This should’ve been brought up a lot sooner.
  9. once again, just provide the proof As neither a republican or a democrat, I’d like to see legitimate evidence of some thing before I take it as gold and yes, the Russian collusion was a one off for me when Trump is standing out there, talking about filing emails on his political opponent on air, and then they magically get found it was easy to connect the dots on that now. The Mueller report disputed that and Mueller was independent in his investigation so I have to agree with his findings. But these are the things are not open for interpretation He did in fact get convicted of sexual abuse that’s not disputable He did in fact, ask Ukraine for dirt on his political opponent that’s on audio it’s not disputable And he did in fact not only make statements to incite a riot at the capital, but was very slow on his response to get those capital police help while they were getting the ***** kicked out of them that’s not disputable either by timeline or by audio and video presented Now Jack Smith has to prove his case in court, but it doesn’t look good. I could say this is somebody that handles top-secret SCI clearance documents on a regular basis when I was in the military if this was anybody, other than a high-ranking official, we would already be in jail without bond, they would throw away the key. The evidence on this is pretty solid, but more to come on that.
  10. I’m waiting for Malcolm Nance to talk about it. He is still pretty connected in the intelligence community and would probably have some good thoughts here. The idea that it could be a false flag is definitely plausible. Why would Wagner all the sudden stop for no reason if it was really coup
  11. So I’m late to the party and wishing you good luck But good luck
  12. As somebody who has worked as a roadie for a rock band, I can tell you that things get pretty crazy at times But this right here is assault
  13. I’m confused here honestly it’s not hard to do There are several coaches in the league that never make it to a Super Bowl. Don’t even make it to the playoffs. Should it not be by definition, winning head coaches, and how long it takes them to get to a Super Bowl??
  14. Everybody wants to make the Super Bowl just because people think that McDermott has done a good job doesn’t mean that we don’t know that we haven’t made it all the way You are exactly one of those posters that I am talking about. Do you think that progress is linear You mess with this coaching and we could easily go backwards because they would bring in their own schemes. They would have to be learned all over again.
  15. You think that just because there was no Russian collusion, this guy was not a horrible president and a complete criminal? This lying piece of *****, sexual abuser, using military resources to extort to get dirt on his political opponents riot inciting, horrible president that doesn’t care about protection of government classified information has done far more than the Russian collusion thing
  16. The Mueller report said that there was no collusion. Therefore there is no collusion.
  17. So it’s brought up to you that they’ve made it past the wildcard round and now you don’t wanna play anymore Sorry if your feelings are hurt
  18. I think if you took a poll on non-right wingers on this board, they would say whatever Hunter Biden gets Hunter Biden deserves
  19. I do not But we don’t know whether or not the responder knew that that wasn’t an Elon musk account they might’ve just been proving a point
  20. But you’re giving him oxygen by promoting his posts from truth social I mean, it’s not an uncommon thing the media does way too much of this. If they cut off trumps oxygen from their viewers, he would be far less effective. He would just be reaching out to the right wing which won’t be enough to get him elected. Is he failing at licking an ice cream cone there? Or giving the next set of orders from the Biden crime family geniusly Inquiring minds want to know
  21. I actually don’t see anything that says they think this is the actual Elon musk
  22. Not really You’ve been posting on here how long we’ve heard it before
  23. None of these rich people see real justice. This is nothing new the fact that he was convicted on anything is a shock. Same thing is going to happen with Trump. He won’t see a day of jail time probably will plea deal out of it. Oh, I knew somebody was going to attack the press, secretary, sooner or later I’m wondering what you expect her to say Hunter Biden has nothing to do with the United States government
  24. That’s some serious Russia propaganda going on right there Russians, on the front line are surrendering. I don’t know to what degree but I’ve seen it. Don’t get me wrong I think that Putin is a lunatic, but very smart Hass to be I also think that the Ukrainians are way too smart to fall for something like that they know that the enemy of my enemy is my friend does not apply here
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