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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. As someone that works directly in this field, this really doesn’t affect how we do admissions that much I am an admissions counselor at a University here in Southern California we put weight on diversity, but the diversity is not based on skin color it’s based on other factors for instance, if you are a black person, but come from a well-to-do family and have a mother and a father that are doctors, then you would not be eligible for diversity, fellowships and admission
  2. I agree with this if he actually had family My first instinct is to always back up my veteran was it ever brought out whether or not he had actually touched anybody before this happened
  3. This is a perfect example of someone receiving indoctrination that LGBTQ is bad and where did they get that they get that from the church Sorry that the facts don’t match your feelings Yes, we are talking specifically mass shootings
  4. But one example there are others https://apnews.com/article/crime-shootings-colorado-hate-crimes-springs-b9be567920a55986c57af59535ac9f61 lot of rhetoric coming out of Bible thumpers about alternate lifestyle people lately
  5. I don’t even know why we have to defend Hillary Clinton, who was a horrible choice as a president by the Democrats this what about ism to somehow make it like trump isn’t bad because Hillary was awful is a really head scratcher
  6. You’re talking about one instance against how many?
  7. Let me make it clear The mass shootings are happening because these young men are listening to the Burbage that is coming out that they hear from other people. They most certainly don’t hear this on the left. This is coming from people who use God in guns in the same sentence. Whoever said that the rioting and looting that was going on in 2020 was not political violence, it most certainly was
  8. Either keep up with the conversation or don’t jump in I did not say Bible thumpers were the mass shooters Bible thumpers preach the hate causes the mass shootings By the way, I can see why nobody ever moves off their positions. Somebody admits that they make a mistake and you gotta hear about it forever after that.
  9. We are solely talking about mass shootings here and taking a look at their motivations. Overall, they’re not totally one side or the other but the majority of these are people that are easily influenced and gun nuts whenever you have the Bible thumpers out there, talking violence and parlaying it to not only is God OK with it but God wants it. We are in serious trouble. Your average person would either agree, or disagree with this silently, but take a look at the mass shooters, and what their motivations have been, especially recently
  10. This is just my personal opinion, but based Intel I’ve seen in the past There will eventually be a line drawn in the sand and lions will be redrawn like they were in the past, possibly with Russia, gaining some ground Then Ukraine will take up a defensive posture like they had in the past, and will start to rebuild We will continue to find them with defensive weapons because that’s what’s good for the military industrial complex, and we want Ukraine to be our voice in the region
  11. After cover one did that piece with Elam I became much more invested in him He is a smart player and really should be in that number two corner position
  12. All for it as long as we don’t have our own men’s boots on the ground give them whatever they want But Ukraine needs to understand that they cannot cross russias borders in their defense
  13. I am trying very hard to judge every poster on their own merits here Some other side of their damn mind Some are piling on after somebody else makes a horrible post And there are some actual freethinkers that are not leftists but kind of get sucked into the flow It looks like I agree more with the left on this board, but I am open to discussion
  14. When the so-called advocates for morality, start talking about doing violence, then yes, they are the problem
  15. Yes, but you’re a hypocrite. You didn’t complain whenever Trump is doing the same thing that’s even if Biden is actually doing it of which there is no proof. Frankly, I don’t know that Ron DeSantis doesn’t work for me I am a Trump hater, born and bred, but I am not against the right entirely There are some things that Ron DeSantis is doing right now in Florida that he would not be able to do as president because they would be unconstitutional to do it to a nation so that would keep him in check. At least he’s younger and has his brain about him and he’s not financially motivated.
  16. You cannot take black on black crime and put it in the same category black on black crime is not politically motivated
  17. Does it bother you at all that Trump is obviously guilty of what they are accusing him of and you’re trying to use technicalities to defend him? That tape audio could not have been any more damning
  18. I hate to break this to you, but the mass shootings that are going on in America or not coming from that side They’re coming from the youth in the guns in Bible thumper side
  19. You’re gonna be crying whenever Donald Trump takes that plea deal to stay out of the White House in order to not go to prison
  20. I enjoyed Emma going on Tim pool show and treating him like a little boy who doesn’t do his research
  21. Late to the party on this one So maybe just maybe the answer is not how Josh Allen is going to improve in order to make this team better maybe it’s time for the team to improve and not rely on Josh Allen so much
  22. If Biden did, this Republicans would be losing their damn minds For Trump it’s just par for the course
  23. I don’t know if that is true. I think the Republicans listen to their base and they do exactly what they want. I still believe this, though that they’ve gone down a path of destruction, people are tired of Donald Trump, and the republican party pledging fealty to him for power Unfortunately, he’s not electable you’re gonna see another four years of whoever the Democrats put up and I’m not super happy that its joe Biden and I would really like to see somebody younger
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