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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Regardless of politics, let us all come together today, and to all of my fellow veterans out there. Thank you for your service.
  2. There really needs to be a post count rule before you can start a thread
  3. I was responding to the other poster, who was talking about kids having surgical procedures But let’s take the scenario that you put forward. The little kid came to them. It was not the parents trying to convince the little kid. As I specified in the YouTube video, I saw on the epic times they were trying to make it like the parents were trying to convince their kids that they were something not the other way around Keep up or stay the ***** out of the conversation
  4. I didn’t go through all of them because I don’t have the time to read everything tonight. Could you please point out where the child had a sex change surgery in theinsider.com I don’t see it What I mean to say here is that being trans does not mean that you have a mental problem You can be trans and have mental issues in addition to that But being trans in itself, does not constitute a mental problem
  5. You can be trans and have mental problems, but there are plenty of people that are trans and don’t have mental problems As far as the teenagers cutting their body parts, parental supervision needs to be a big playing this, although I’m sure if you looked at the statistics, children are not the ones that are getting this procedure I was on YouTube the other day and I saw a video by the epic times where they were trying to make this scenario of a parent suggesting a child might feel better if they were a different gender. This does not happen. This is the type of ***** that the right puts out for fear mongering.
  6. He’s perfect When he’s not playing president, he can be your gym bro partner
  7. It’s pretty simple because Biden doesn’t throw people under the bus unlike Trump. You will never hear Biden blame his military. Have you ever heard Trump take blame for anything is done bro I don’t think I’ve ever seen it I have said for a long time now that the pandemic was not trumps fault I never blamed him for that. This was a world thing not a United States thing. Did he say some things that were moronically? Stupid yes, but the pandemic was not Trump’s fault.
  8. They pretty much or whenever it comes to the beer industry they own practically everything People need to understand that there is life outside the United States. The world is a big place. We don’t just drink beer in Alabama. As far as their marketing goes what they didn’t anticipate, is just how much people love to hate for no reason
  9. Unlike the GOP the gays, don’t vote against their own self interests
  10. He was right for pulling out of Afghanistan Some thing that Trump failed to do in his campaign promise
  11. Biden did not cause this The fault lies with military intelligence that gave him the idea that the Afghan military that was supposed to insert as the US military exited was not going to fall apart in a day That was a failure of our intelligence. They got that one wrong. It happens and soldiers died because of it. That doesn’t make Biden wrong. He was fulfilling a campaign promise to get our military out of the country.
  12. The GOP wants to pretend that everything associated with LGBTQ is a mental illness It’s not
  13. To me, this ruling is not overall a big deal as long as it’s not associated with overreach to come As I have said, earlier in the thread, we have not considered diversity admissions solely based on color, since I have been processing them Not included in the conversation but one thing I can tell you that does play a role in this is international students are always at a disadvantage because of the non-resident tuition that they have to pay every quarter faculty just don’t want to take on students that they might have to pay for their non-resident Wishon because they didn’t advance to candidacy on time and so the international students have to be exceptional If somebody gets discriminated against its them
  14. There are still parts of Modelo that are owned by Anheuser-Busch outside of the United States And getting upset because she said Fratty really what kind of beer do you think the people drinking frat houses in college they don’t have very much money Bud Light is a cheap I’ll be at disgusting beer that college students go to because they don’t have a lot of money to pay for beer hence the Fratty
  15. The funny thing is, I can’t stand Bud Light even before all this happened. Just a horrible beer, but Anheuser-Busch still makes his money because I do like Modelo. LGBQ makes up about 1% of the population I doubt very seriously that Anheuser-Busch wanted to change their consumer base they were probably just trying to add to it But you know they’re playing 3-D chess because it drove them all the Modelo also owned by Anheuser Busch
  16. It is amazing how people will vote against their own self interest just to be right You would rather vote for a guy who has been in trouble pretty much his whole time as an elected official, just to owned the lips, not anything for you personally but just to be correct it’s kind of sad actually
  17. Good, regardless of where it’s being held, this is for charity A colossally stupid protest would be people boycotting a beer because they sent a can with some LGBTQ face on it That would be stupid. The Republicans owned stupid whenever it comes to this.
  18. People have it twisted People are fighting over that loan forgiveness The real problem is how much it’s actually costing to go to school, and this comes from somebody who works at a university We charge way too damn much
  19. That’s not how this works That’s not how any of this works Keyshawn Johnson is a known bills hater. Don’t feel bad about this at all. This is very sexist Which is why I feel bad that I agree with you
  20. I think the answer to that is yes, I work at a UC university that is in extremely high demand which really leans on its diversity You have everything here one of the things that I really pride myself on is a lot of my students are veterans that are returning from serving overseas and using their Montgomery, G.I. bills to go to school and has a Veteran myself I get to help them No, I’d rather not give the University here. If you PM me . I’ll give it to you.
  21. If there are equal it goes down to other factors In my programs, you have to have a faculty willing to take you into their lab in order to gain admission this is done for financial reasons as students normally receive a fellowship stipend in the first year and then, after that they’re working, as either a teaching assistant, or a lab researcher in their major professors lab If two students are equal, it goes to other factors such as what type of research work have they done to prepare them for graduate school such as internships
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