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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. There was one thing that I didn’t like about Newsom and that was he was holding parties during Covid whenever we had Covid restrictions I didn’t like the hypocrisy of that He has charisma and he knows how to talk. He would actually talk rings around Donald Trump. How good of a president he would be? I don’t know.
  2. I believe that people can have whatever opinions they want that is their right to do that we fought for it But I get so tired of seeing things like patriot and liberty, without any understanding of what those words actually mean It is gotten to the point where whenever I see my flag. I wonder what it’s attached to.
  3. The cocaine was found in a common area, not in a private area of the White House, where people that are taking tours go through every day I’m not into conspiracy theories, but there is just as much of a chance that somebody planted that because of Hunter Biden And I’m not defending Hunter the guy is a complete screwup
  4. This is simply not true. There were people under the age of 30 that died from Covid. I knew some of them.
  5. I’ve lived all over the world, but the majority of it was spent in California There are literally no issues here that have not always been here.
  6. I don’t want to act like this doesn’t happen on both sides because it does but the stories just creep me the ***** out The wiener thing where he was sending pics, and that was a Democrat was just awful I was just watching a thing on YouTube from about seven months ago, where there was a Trump loving Republican that was literally stocking this poor girl in the conversation that he was having with the police where he was just telling them that he had the right to do it That the police didn’t arrest him on the spot is beyond me
  7. Are you saying that Trump did not pardon him? And plea deals are admission of guilt. Why should a general be in a position where he has to take a plea deal it’s because he was a ***** criminal
  8. Why do people keep on saying this? People are leaving California. Businesses are leaving California but they’re being replaced by other people and businesses coming in. California has its issues but it’s basically its own country. No other state compares to California has its issues but it’s basically its own country. No other state compares to it they literally could live on their own. with no help from anybody else the people in California pay for the taxes for people in other states.
  9. Not everything There are other ways to get news, where you don’t have to go through the major networks
  10. This coming from the guy that was literally found guilty and had to be pardoned by trump You do realize that whenever you accept a pardon, you are admitting guilt Michael Flynn is a criminal and an embarrassment to the Armed Forces
  11. I don’t want to put Charles Flynn automatically end of the same boat as Michael Flynn we are to appoint now in the nation or even within families they think that each other are crazy Charles Flynn until proven, otherwise is a patriot
  12. I don’t know if this really Hass to be explain to you but an op Ed is an opinion piece it’s not actual factual, evidence of anything
  13. This guy is an embarrassment to the United States military I’m still trying to figure out how he got to the position he was in It’s not uncommon in the military to have whack jobs but usually they get found out along the way, making it through the ranks. I worked for an operations officer, who all we did all day long was close his office door and get on the right wing talking shows in the area on military time Everybody hated him, and eventually he was demoted and forced to retire
  14. The projection on this What do you think Marley Taylor Green is? She says the crazy ***** she does, because it makes the people that voted for her clap like seals
  15. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but I really hope that you threw some salt over your shoulder while you were typing this Their wide receivers were no slouches either The NFL has evolved a lot since then you don’t see a lot of teams that have a pure bell cow back just about everybody runs by committee
  16. It's hard for me to answer that question. Because these are not my schools, all of those credentials seem excellent, especially the great point average. Whenever I see things like that happen. My first question is, what did her self statement look like? Believe it or not, just that part of the application can sway admissions.
  17. Starsky and Hutch Butch, Cassidy and the Sundance kid
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