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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. That would be pitchforks for everybody that was in the capital not at the capital People that were outside of the capital and not committing violence, or not being prosecuted. If you went inside, you committed a crime. If you were brutalized police, you committed a crime. If you broke windows, and created vandalization, you were committing a crime.
  2. Imagine being asked to pay your taxes so horrible
  3. Yes, she did according to her testimony He also shoved her into a closet What was was interesting was his a reaction he couldn’t be bothered to even show up and defend himself
  4. This is simply just a moronic take there is absolutely no proof that that is Hunter Biden’s cocaine He’s probably got a pouch of it in his pants pocket right now, but he’s not gonna leave it somewhere in the White House
  5. We need to see what the problems are It’s not hands because he catches everything around him It’s not speed because he’s plenty fast He has all the physical attributes Sometimes guys click in the pros that don’t click in college. That’s how you find your gems I just like that it’s not like we have to depend on him get his feet wet in special teams and lead him go from there
  6. What sitting in front of them right now is Trump’s team is trying to make a case to push the trial till past the next election Let’s see how this judge reacts to that. I don’t want to automatically assume that she’s a Trumper just because she was lenient on him in the past
  7. What I was waiting to see was what the reaction was going to be to Donald Trump getting convicted of this The party of moral values didn’t seem too bat an eye But they seem to have stuck with him through, no matter what, so
  8. I’m a little confused by this How exactly is he supposed to get to where he’s going if it’s miles and miles away What he should’ve done was he should’ve just rode in the car all the way to the event riding the bicycle for a short time is silly
  9. I wish him well But I think he’s really missing out, not coming to the bills he could’ve totally rehabbed his value on a contending team
  10. Just ask zero this is no big deal I think you should definitely prove your point, and rob a bank
  11. There is no such thing as modest when it comes to beachfront property. I’m going to just take the tent out there and Call it home when I retire.
  12. Shorter is an extremely interesting player to me And I don’t think we’re going to see this year. Just how good he can be the log jam in front of him is just too high, but he does play special teams, which will keep him on the roster. All the physical tools are there
  13. I also said that Hunter Biden is a mess and I wouldn’t defend him But let’s be honest here, all kinds of people take tours in the White House, which is exactly where the cocaine was found It’s not a hunter Bidens cocaine. I’m not saying that Hunter Biden doesn’t use cocaine because he obviously does I’m just saying you wouldn’t leave it in a common area of the White House.
  14. I don’t post too much because frankly I don’t like having Kansas City fans on our board but I will ask a solid question here. Do you not think it’s someone of his status punching down on some common fan does it make him look like a scum bag I mean it doesn’t rival having a fan going around robbing banks, but…
  15. I’m actually feeling for nauta a little bit he’s a veteran and understands the meaning of the word, loyalty even if it is misplaced, he’s also the guy most likely to go to prison
  16. The predatory loan company say thank you very much they love you Of course, Biden was trying to buy votes. They all do that remember, whenever we got our checks during Covid, always accompanied with a letter from Trump, reminding you that it came from him.
  17. Biden well old and can’t remember his name half. The time is still a better choice than Trump. Vanilla ice cream is always better than dog ***** That’s an interesting conversation. It looks like the Republicans are starting to homeschool their kids because they don’t want them. With the kids that don’t look like them. But eventually, those kids have to go off to college and whenever they do, they’re going to get mixed in and learn about other people anyway The college vote is squarely in the Democrats area college kids vote blue So it’s not really the”libs” that are screwing themselves Biden understood this hence the trying to help kids with college debt Meanwhile, the Republicans are screwing themselves by fighting it every step of the way they just continue to push themselves farther away from the young person vote
  18. i’m surprised that you don’t know the answer to this question You just said all of the things that you have done to be totally self supportive and not need anybody for anything, which I think actually is commendable But we still rely on the government for some things that we cannot do driving on roads is one of them who do you think builds and maintains those?
  19. And it’s literally been falling apart for years. Yeah there it is still humming along and they do this all the while being excepting to immigrants not treating them like they’re the plague
  20. DeSantis isn’t even making it out of the GOP The blue, no matter what vote is much higher than 40% The Republicans are going to try to run a criminal for president. They’ve already lost the swing vote before they even get to the general election This country made the mistake of electing Donald Trump once they won’t make it a second time
  21. I believe in supporting Ukraine’s defense against invading n ation, but I don’t know that I want to see them join NATO Their politics is iffy as it is Would you rather that we were sending in troops?
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