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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. “ I watch Fox News, and I just bite on everything hook line and sinker look at me”
  2. Walking around with blinders on come on man there’s a group of people that is doing that and you may or may not know who it actually is when all you do is taken right wing information as your facts you’re in serious trouble because the next thing that happens is you have to believe conspiracy theories because things are not going your way This is exactly what I’m talking about with you Democrats, and klan rally. You simply can’t keep up.
  3. The hypocrisy of this, I just don’t even know what to say
  4. You’re gonna need to provide a little bit more proof on some thing like that
  5. Have never believes Tucker Carlson Never will Do you know that Tucker Carlson is one of the few United States shows that is allowed on Russian TV? I just think the mental gymnastics the people go through in order to believe Rob Tucker Carlson is amazing Was literally caught off camera, saying that he didn’t believe this ***** that he was saying on air Caused his net work over $700 million in lawsuit damage He has been fired from every major network He is an opinion host, not a journalist
  6. Two things need to be repeated to you twice You got charged if you were attacking capital police You got charged if you were destroying property People that were just milling around outside the capital didn’t get charged unless they gave an order to disperse and they just sat there There are laws they should be following them
  7. You’re joking It’s not that hard to do a scroll down on this board and see how much the left is being called names But you are correct in that commie is not the correct term. The correct term should be dictatorship Read a report today that inflation is down for a second street year in the United States I only give credit that to Joe Biden because he is the guy out front I am sure that he specifically didn’t do anything but put his hand to pen the people around him are actually making the decisions
  8. I’m not sure how you can say. It’s not a political issue. The Supreme Court is majority right wing the right has been trying to put this in front of them for years. They made a ruling on it that supported the right. I have no idea just how much it’s going to sway voters in the next election, but it doesn’t sound good for the right because it’s a defense that they cannot make this got put in front of the Supreme Court in someway these things don’t just happen To be perfectly honest, I’m surprised that the left has not been making moves to pack the court
  9. Regardless, it will be a political issue They have basically taken rights away from women It will be remembered at the ballot box
  10. So I’m going to both sides this argument No, it is not OK to abort like literally right up until birth not OK But Six weeks on the other end of this spectrum is also ridiculous. Most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks. The bottom line is this the optics for taking away women’s rights are just bad. It looks like major regression, which should’ve been done is there should’ve been a national term where you can abort that is not right up to birth, and certainly not six weeks This is going to be a problem for the right come election time because the far right is starting to get ridiculous on this because of what the Supreme Court did. I saw a podcast last night that some idiot was complaining about women’s contraception and condoms. The polls on this are coming out very unfavorably to the right.
  11. I missed that narrative how exactly are people hiking in the iron decks causing environmental problems? Your normal out of the city problems they get caused environmentally are people setting forest fires
  12. People attacked the capital. Yes, I find this more logical for them.
  13. The military will be OK We have systems in place where we always have leader ship, even if one person is not available Let him be an ####### he’s not hurting the military at all. Certain individuals are not getting their promotions therefore their pay grades, but eventually they will get it and retroactively.
  14. I love Joe Rogan and just about everything but politics he is a total idiot in that area stick to MMA Joe
  15. Don’t be too sure about that I made the mistake about a year ago of talking politics with my doctor, Trump lover all the way, and that goes been in charge of my health for years Scary isn’t it? Can we please stop feeling sorry for someone that was told not to crawl through a window that was being guarded, and got shot for her stupidity She was military. I tend to always support the military first, but I cannot feel bad about this. She shouldn’t have been there to begin with. She sure the ***** should not have been crawling through the window.
  16. It would only be a good thing if they were good people around him
  17. He better be a better choice than Trump but that’s a low bar
  18. Yawn So Taibbi’s Twitter files landed on its face and he still up to this *****, huh
  19. She was better off in the Senate, where she was actually doing some good I think the VP spot is just too high for her. There were plenty of other people that Biden could’ve picked that would’ve been better choices. And yes, I absolutely think this was done to get the black vote
  20. OK I want you to think about this for a minute take off your hate for the bidens and just stop and think what is more plausible here? That Hunter, Biden, walking through the White House in a common area where other people go to do tours pulled out a bag of his cocaine and left it there Or Because everybody and their brother knows that this guy is a cocaine addict. Someone went in there and put that cocaine so that somebody could find it in the common area where anybody could go on a tour. Automatically going to this is Hunter Biden’s cocaine just shows your hate you’re not thinking rationally
  21. The problem with this is some people believe it for real. It’s sad to say that it can’t just be taken as a cartoon.
  22. Bills time actually has an excellent point here That is the plan of the right they want to condition things that are definitely not OK to be OK
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